Samsung announces the official deployment of an IU 7 from April 7

Applications and services
A new user interface provides AI -centered improvements that make daily interactions more significant and intuitive
Samsung Electronics America announced today that the official deployment of One UI 7 will start on April 7, bringing a new daring design for greater personalization and control to the user experience. One UI 7 introduces a new interface designed for AI, helping users to interact with their Galaxy devices more naturally than ever. The update will be available in the United States, starting with the Galaxy S24 series, Galaxy Z Fold6 and Z Flip6 on April 10, gradually moving on more smartphones and Galaxy tablets.
New daring design for greater personalization
A user interface 7 is delivered with a simple, impactful and emotional design, providing rationalized and cohesive experiences to the users of the galaxy. A simplified home screen and an overhaul of user interface widgets and a lock screen allow users to intuitively and transparently customize their devices.
For convenience, now Bar1 provides real -time updates directly on the locking screen. Thus, during a morning race, users can easily check their training progress and see which song plays in their goals Galaxy with a simple blow, without unlocking their phone.
Powerful AI features for a more intuitive experience
One UI 7 introduces IA -oriented experiences that help users remain productive and explore their creativity.
With Galaxy AI, 2 users can simplify daily tasks, minimizing the need to switch between applications. AI Select3 intuitively recommends actions based on selected content. For example, a user can easily slide the EDGE panel and press the AI Select icon when looking for a video to create a GIF file. The favorite fans feature, assistance writing, 4 also allows users to easily summarize or automatically format the content in which the text can be selected.
A user interface 7 even allows simple modifications, giving users a creative control and freedom. Drawing Assist5 helps to give life to ideas with more than one entry, including combinations of text, images or sketch prompts. Audio Eraser6 uses AI to analyze and categorize different types of sound from a video, allowing users to control the level of each sound and improve audio quality.
With a deeper Google Gemini7 integration, control of the device is as simple as talking to a friend. After activating the Gemini, for example, find Italian restaurants adapted to animals with nearby outdoor seats. Gemini instantly draws recommendations in a transparent interaction.
Research in natural language 8 extends to parameters, which facilitates the adjustment of preferences. Users can simply open the settings, press the microphone icon and say that my eyes feel tired. In an instant, recommended options such as luminosity adjustment or the ignition of the eye comfort shield appear.
A user interface 7 will start to deploy on April 7, extending to more smartphones and Galaxy tablets in the following weeks, including the Galaxy S24 series, Galaxy S24 Fe, the Galaxy S23 series, Galaxy S23 Fe, Galaxy Z Fold6 and Z Flip6, Galaxy Z Flip5, the Galaxy Tab S10 Tab S9.
For more details, please visit: Samsung Newsroom, and
1 requires WiFi connection and Samsung and Google accounts. 2 The Galaxy AI features by Samsung are free until 2025 and require the connection of the Samsung account. 3 The results may vary depending on the model. The accuracy of the results is not guaranteed. Requires Internet connection and connecting the Samsung account. The availability of the service may vary depending on the language or the device model. The availability of careful languages may vary. Some languages may require downloading the language pack. 4 For the text in the Samsung notes only (200 4,000 characters); Requires the connection of the Samsung account and the Internet connection. 5 Image image functionality requires a network connection and a connection of the Samsung account. Edition with sketch in the image can lead to a resized photo up to 12MP. A visible watermark is superimposed on the outlet of the image during the backup in order to indicate that the image is generated by the AI. The precision and reliability of the generated output is not guaranteed. 6 Compatible with common video formats accessible in the gallery; Helps minimize six sounds (voice / speech, music, noise, crowd, nature, wind) uses AI; The results may vary. 7 Gemini Extensions The availability of the functionality varies depending on the content. Internet connection, Android device and required configuration. The availability of language varies. The results for illustrative purposes and can vary. Check the answers for precision. 8 Languages currently supported include Korean, English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese and Portuguese. Available in series Galaxy S24, Galaxy S24 Fe, Galaxy Z Fold6 and Z Flip6 and Galaxy Tab S10. The accuracy of the results is not guaranteed.
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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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