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Reeves reveals the greatest reduction in the UK after tightening in the spring statement | Economic policy

Reeves reveals the greatest reduction in the UK after tightening in the spring statement | Economic policy



Rachel Reeves will decide to increase taxes by ending the budget deficit, and will announce the largest spending reduction in the next spring statement.

The superintendent will tell MPs next Wednesday that they will reduce the WhiteHall budget by billions of pounds in the previous move, which can mean 7% reduction in certain departments over the next four years.

Economists said that the union promised to cancel the decline for several years according to the Conservative Party, but cuts would harm major public services. They will be announced a week after the minister announced a $ 5 billion cut for paying, and most of them proceed from payment to the disabled.

According to Thinktank's analysis of the Foundation, some disabled people have found that they can lose almost 10,000 people annually by the end of 10 years according to the reforms announced on Tuesday.

The Labor Party MP is now concerned that next week, additional expenditure will be more pressure on the poorest families in the British.

One of the WhiteHall sources said: the government was clear that the department had to find more efficiency. That's WES Streeting [the health secretary] Reduced NHS England. So liz kendall [the work and pensions secretary] Reduced welfare payment.

Another word: I don't know how long it can go, not tightening when reality is reducing important public services such as police and prison.

Ben Zaranko, the deputy director of the IFS Institute (IFS), said: The government will be enough to provide service improvement even if the efficiency improvement is tight as the short -term cash injection and public service continued to recover from the infectious diseases last year.

However, it was in a very different world than 2010, and even if the speed of cuts proceed slower than in the peak tightening, it still has the steepest cuts since 2019.

It is difficult to know how this can be conveyed without having a disadvantage on public services and those who depend on them.

The Ministry of Trade and Treasury officials have made a lot of wishes for the Labor MPs for the past few years, and have paid borrowings to increase taxes and pay more than $ 70 million a year.

The next week's superintendent's statement had to include a simple update on the official economic forecast of the OBR.

However, the British economy has suffered after the budget for the past few years, but the cost of borrowing has increased and growth has been proven slower than expected. The Labor Party has criticized global confusion about economic discomfort, but the Conservative Party says it is the result of a major tax increase imposed on the November business.

Due to the deterioration, the governor looked for extra money to eliminate the financial goal.

OBR will deliver a final forecast on Friday, including an assessment of promises that can be balanced by 2029-30, on Friday, including a promise that can break down the promise that debt will drop at the same time.

Government sources said that Guardian Reeves would not announce a tax increase next week despite the conservative claim that people plan to introduce stealth income tax air raids by freezing the threshold for people to start paying. The superintendent did not rule out such movements later in that year if the economy continued to be struggling.

Officials do not deny that they can increase the WhiteHall budget by 1.1% annually after 2025-26, not 1.3% announced last year.

Considering that most of this money will be raised to the expected budget in areas such as NHS, school and defense, IFS means that other departments such as the Ministry of Justice, Home Office and local governments have decreased by 7% per year or by 7% compared to the remaining parliament.

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The ministers argued that from 2010, the ministers argued that it would not be a tightening because the annual cuts would be about half than the supervision of former George Osborne.

However, economists point out that in 2010, the budget for years is higher than that of inflation, and it will be implemented when public services are already expanded.

The outlook for additional spending cuts is already causing alarms among the ministers. Some, including Edmill Band, Energy Secretariat, Evet Cooper, Angela Rayner, Deputy Prime Minister, and Shabana Mahmood, expressed concern about cuts while being described as the government's most tense cabinet meeting last week.

The Treasury source said: Over the past few years, the budget has been providing 400 billion additional cash to public services to public services, including the largest real growth in NHS spending other than Kovid. In addition, we have unlocked more than 100 billion investment in schools, hospitals and national infrastructure.

Tories would have caused public services to collapse. We are taking action to rebuild this.

Reeves will announce the average spending of white holes over the next few years, but will only disclose the meaning of individual departments in June expenditure review.

As part of the expenditure review process, the department must cut up to 20%of everyday expenditure.

This scenario is so serious that the department should plan to cut the project recently announced by the government.

For example, the Ministry of Transportation submitted a plan to reduce the proposed railway route between Oxford and Cambridge, which was funded just two months ago. Officials have also proposed to build a long -delayed Lower Thames that crosses the planned 9 billion road tunnels that connect ESSEX and KENT using private investments.

The Ministry of Transportation spokesman said: this is a guess. East West Rail is already working with infrastructure at the first stage of the service line between Oxford and Milton Keynes.

Reduction is likely to cause more anxiety among Labor Party MPs, from recent cuts to international aid and welfare.

One MP said:




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