Tour de France returned to England in 2027 | British news

Tour de France will begin for the first time in Scotland in 2027.
The start of the course, the start of the course, is held to ride a bicycle at the 114th Le Tour in Edinburgh.
In addition to the male race, the Grand Learge of the Women's Race, known as Tour de France Femmes Avec ZWIFT, will be in Burger when visiting the UK in two years.
For more information on the channel for the two events, it will be disclosed in the fall.
The third stage of each event is held in the UK with Scotland, the UK and Wales.
This is the first time that all of the Grand departures will be held in the same country other than France, and the organizers expect millions of fans to see the streets.
Image: Tour French competitor passing through ARC de triomphe in Paris. PIC: PA
The first part of the women's race will be held for the first time in the UK, but the men's competition hugged the British coast twice in 2007 and in 2014.
In 2007, Le Tour started with a prologue with individual time trials in London. Since then, it was the first step from London to Kent's Canterbury.
Seven years later, the UK had the first three steps to London in Leeds, Gate, York, Sheffield, and Cambridge.
Image: Chris Froome passes the Buckingham Palace in the 2014 London Tour de France. PIC: PA
Christian Prudhomme, general manager of Tour de France: “Tour de France and the United Kingdom are happy to bring the Grand departure to the country in 2027.
“The UK has always welcomed the tour with passion and pride, and we promise to make this event more special for cooperation in the UK, Scotland and Wales.”
Image: 2024 Tour de France winner Tadej Pogacar. PIC: AP
Slovenia cyclist Tadej Pogacar is currently a male title holder and Polish athlete Kasia Nightiadoma is a woman.
The winners of the UK included Sir Bradley Wiggins, Geraint Thomas and 4 Tour de France Champ Chris Froome.
Image: Chris Ant, the fourth tour de France winner. PIC: PA
Jacques Anquetil, Eddy Merckx, Bernard Hinault and Miguel Indurain have won the most tours with five people. INDURAIN is the only person who won five consecutive tours.
Tour de France's return to the UK is the result of cooperation efforts by major partners, including the UK cycling, the UK sports, the UK, the Scotland and the Wales government, and the event stakeholders.
Simon Morton, head of UK Sport, said: “This will be the largest free spectator event hosted by the UK and will provide public front line to world -class sports across villages, villages and cities.”
A groundbreaking social impact program will be delivered as part of the accumulation of race. The organizers hope to deal with non -activities, improve mental health, promote economic growth, and support the community to thrive.
Jon Dutton, CEO of British Cycling, said:
Image: PIC: PA
Scotland's first minister John Swinney described Lee as “tremendous honor,” and Wales' first minister said that Morgan can showcase the state as “the best international destination for riding bicycles.”
Lisa Nandy, Minister of Culture, added “British reputation as a destination for major international sports events.”
She said: “This will stimulate growth, attract new visitors and leave a continuous legacy for both athletes and fans.
“For the first time preparing a British Tour de French woman in the UK, it will be a historic event, and it supports our mission to destroy the barriers so that women and girls can participate more in sports while inspiring the next -generation female bikers.”
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