French politicians attack the British chairman with unfounded 'Islamic acquisition'.

When Hamid Patel was appointed temporary chairman of the British school regulator last week, few people think they will be international news.
Patel, a prominent British school leader who wrote articles for educational services in 2021, was not a rare choice for OFSTED.
He is the chief executive of Star Academies, a multi -academies Trust, which runs 36 schools, and operates 36 schools nationwide in the deprived areas.
But almost immediately immediately immediately began to attack him on Social Media Platform X, but is still known as Twitter.
Most of his criticism of his appointment comes from an anonymous extreme account that focuses entirely on his Muslim faith and Arab -style office clothing.
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During the weekend, according to news reports, Patel encouraged the Muslim students of the school based on faith and encouraged them to wear the Qur'an and wore hijabs, and in 2010, Sheikh Abdul-Rahman Al-Sudais's Grand Mosques of Grand Mosque (IMAM) was able to visit school in 2010.
Despite the online attack, British politicians were not one of those who criticized Patel. But politicians in neighboring countries have unexpectedly joined.
French first priority attack
In the last few days, French politicians and media commentators have expressed their anger at the appointment of British Muslim educators.
Francois-Xavier Bellamy is a member of the European Parliament and a vice-president of the right wing Les Republicains Party.
Last Saturday, in the French post of X, Bellamy encouraged Patel to be part of the “Islamic project” to take over the British institutions.
'Islamic project includes control of institutions starting with school.'
-Francois-Xavier Bellamy, France MEP
Bellamy said, “OFSTED, a responsible public institution that inspects schools in the UK, is now chairman of MUFTI HAMID PATEL, a religious leader and advocate of Avowed Island.
“As a school principal, he asked for students to recite the Qur'an, wear hijabs, and listen to the preachers of anti -discipline.”
“Islamic projects include controlling the system from school. Our democracy opposes itself. Europe finally comes out of innocence.”
There is no evidence that the PATEL has advocated religious or political ideology.
Jean Messiha, a celebrity of France, and a former spokesman for the 2022 presidential candidate Eric Zemmour, added his voice to the mix.
Messiha, with nearly 300,000 followers in X, posted a picture of Patel.
Jules Torres wrote that Patel promoted “radical Islam” and implemented “Islamic project” on LE JDD, France.
Another paper, Le Figaro, questioned whether Patel was Islamic. And the shooting of the French social media posts was racist abused by the chairman of OFSTED.
French Muslim School
In France, Muslim denomination schools are getting more and more government attacks.
According to the National Private Muslim Education Federation (FNEM), there are 127 Muslim denomination schools in France, but only 10 contracts are completely or partially.
France: Muslim private schools facing threats of closure
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In comparison, 7,045 Catholic schools have signed a contract and register 2 million students every year (1 in 6).
In 2021, after the 2021 law, when President Emmanuel Macron strengthened the principles of the Republic to fight “separatism,” 11 schools were closed due to “radical”.
The bill has decided to discriminate against Muslims by introducing a crime of “separatism” that can close the mosque, dissolve community organizations, restrict schools, and punish schools for up to five years in prison.
The administrative court of Lyon, France, recently refused to restore the contract of a national funding Muslim high school accused of “weakening the value of the Republic.”
About a year ago, a similar reason was given to Nord PrefCurability for Saint Averroes, a major private school Muslim high school, which is contracted in this country in Lil, Northern City.
Despite some appeals, the school could not overturn the decision.
OFSTED defended Patel's appointment as chairman, but the attack was on the media.
On Sunday, Melanie Phillips asked Times' opinion column that Patel believed that “religiously conservative” religious Muslims generally “seeing it as their duty,” which “must be a” Islamic lesson and practice of other society in other society. “
Philips also attacked Patel in 2022, reported by the Middle East child on Friday.
This episode showed that many successful Muslim teachers were wrongly targeted and spreading before the illegal case collapsed in 2017.
The new OFSTED Chairman Hamid Patel said he has alienated the Trojan Horse scandal.
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According to a podcast survey in 2022, Michael Gove at that time told officials that counter -terrorism police decided the original letter claiming that the acquisition conspiracy was a scam.
But Gove was said to have used a letter to sanction a number of levels of investigation of the potential extremism of Birmingham School anyway.
Unlike France in the UK, there is no secular state school.
All open funding schools, including Academy and Free School, have legal obligations to provide collective worship and provide forced religious education every day.
In fact, this is not forced and collective worship is rare in state schools.
But Patel is a champion of practice. “Group worship has been the mainstream of British education for many years and remains important in all schools.
“It is an important part of our work to give young people a chance to explore the healing of faith.”
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