Columbia university student says that his detention shows anti-Palestinian racism in the United States

New York (AP) A student from Columbia University arrested and threatened with expulsion for his role in campus demonstrations against Israel made his first public declaration on Tuesday, saying that his detention is indicative of “anti-Palestinian racism” demonstrated both by Trump and Biden administrations.
In a letter dictated by a locking of immigration to Louisiana and released by his lawyer, the student, Mahmoud Khalil, said that he was targeted as part of a broader effort to suppress Palestinian voices.
“My unjust detention is indicative of anti-Palestinian racism that the administrations of Biden and Trump have demonstrated in the past 16 months while the United States has continued to provide Israel with weapons to kill Palestinians and prevented international intervention,” he said.
Read more: Jewish demonstrators flood Trump's tower to demand that activist Mahmoud Khalils reject
“For decades, anti-Palestinian racism has expressed its efforts to extend American laws and practices that are used to violently suppress Palestinians, American Arabs and other communities. This is precisely why I am targeted. “
Khalil and the federal government clashed in court for the Trump administration's decision to ship it across the country to the locking of Louisiana.
The government says that it could not be detained in an immigration establishment near the place where it was initially arrested in part because of an infestation of bedbugs, so they sent it to Louisiana. Khalil says that there was not such a discussion on bedbugs and that he feared to be immediately expelled.
Khalil declared in a statement made Monday before the Manhattan Federal Court that he was detained during the night in a detention center in Elizabeth, New Jersey, “I did not hear anyone mentioned bedbugs”.
In court documents during the weekend, lawyers of the Ministry of Justice also accused its move on overcrowded installations in the northeast.
Khalil made the declaration on bedbugs in an exposure attached to the court documents in which his lawyers asked that he be released on bond while the courts decide whether his arrest violated the first amendment.
Lawyers also asked a judge to expand the effect of any order to prevent the United States government from “arrest, detention and abolition of non-citizens who engage in expressive activity protected by the Constitution in the United States to support Palestinian rights or criticize Israel”.
Khalil declared in the judicial archives that he had been placed in a van when he had been removed from the installation of Elizabeth and which he asked if he had returned to the FBI headquarters in Manhattan, where he had been taken immediately after his arrest.
“I was told,” No, we are going to JFK airport. I was afraid they were trying to deport me, ”he recalls.
From his time spent at Elizabeth's establishment, he wrote: “I was in a waiting room with a dozen other people. We slept on the ground. Even if he was cold inside the room, there were no beds, mattresses or blankets.”
Khalil, in the letter published Tuesday by his lawyer, said: “I see in my circumstances similarities with the use of Israel of the imprisonment of administrative detention without trials or accused of exceeding the Palestinians of their rights.”
“For Palestinians, imprisonment without regular procedure is commonplace,” he said.
During the court documents of the weekend, lawyers of the Ministry of Justice gave a detailed description of the arrest of March 8 of Khalil and its transport from Manhattan to Elizabeth, then at Kennedy International Airport in New York the next day for his transfer to Louisiana, where he has been detained since.
“Khalil could not be accommodated long -term at the Elizabeth detention factory due to a bedbug problem, so he stayed there until his flight to Louisiana,” the lawyers wrote. They said he was in the establishment from 2:20 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. on March 9.
Lawyers have asked that legal problems be resolved by federal judges of New Jersey or Louisiana rather than New York. A Manhattan federal judge has not yet ruled on the request.
The lawyers of Khalil, who oppose the transfer of the case, wrote Monday that the transfer to Louisiana was “predetermined and made for inappropriate reasons” rather than because of an infestation of bedbugs.
Despite the complaint of bedbugs, Elizabeth's detention accepted at least four individuals for detention from March 6 to last Thursday and Khalil himself saw men be treated for detention while he was there, they wrote.
Khalil, in the letter published Tuesday by his lawyer, also refers to a wave of Israeli strikes through Gaza ending the ceasefire on Monday evening and described it as “moral imperative” to continue pressure for the freedom of the Palestinians.
“With the ceasefire in January now broken, Gaza's parents once again crash the tinks and families are forced to weigh famine and the trip against bombs,” he said. “It is our moral imperative to persist in the struggle for their total freedom.”
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