The EU wants to break its dependence on the security of the United States and buy more European weapons
Brussels (AP) The European Union announced on Wednesday a new desire to break its dependence on security towards the United States, emphasizing the purchase of more defense equipment in Europe.
EUS's executive power has unveiled its 2030 preparation security strategy with the threat of Russian attack at the forefront of concerns. NATO intelligence estimates suggest that Russia may be able to launch an attack in Europe again in three to five years.
Last month, the Trump administration said that US security priorities were elsewhere on its own borders and in Asia and that Europeans should manage for themselves and Ukraine in the future. It was as the greatest land war in Europe for decades in its fourth year.
Under the strategy, member countries will be invited to buy a large part of their military equipment in Europe, working mainly with European suppliers in some cases, the EU helps reduce prices and accelerate orders. They should only buy equipment from abroad when costs, performance or supply delays make it preferable.
AB AP: The EU wants to break its dependence on the security of the United States and buy more European weapons
The AP correspondent, Charles de Ledesma, reports that the EU announces a new reader to break his dependence on security in the United States, emphasizing the purchase of more defense equipment in Europe.
In recent years, the 27 EU countries have spent around two thirds of their orders with American defense companies. To qualify for new loans, they should buy at least 65% of equipment from EU, Norway or Ukraine suppliers.
The security architecture on which we have relied can no longer be taken for acquired, said the president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen.
We have to buy more Europe. Because it means strengthening European defense, the technological and industrial basis. This means stimulating innovation. And that means creating an EU scale market for defense equipment, she added.
The strategy resembles the repowereu regime that the commission proposed in 2022 to wean the Russian natural gas block after President Vladimir Putin ordered his forces of Ukraine and used energy as a weapon to try to undermine the support of the EU in Kyiv.
This strategy has seen EUS dependence on Russian gas imports go from 45% in 2021 to 15% in 2023.
The new plan was unveiled on the eve of a summit of leaders of the EU government. During emergency talks on March 6, they signed proposals to facilitate budgetary restrictions and create a loan plan of 150 billion euros ($ 164 billion) for defense projects.
Defense companies in the United States, the United Kingdom and Turkey would be excluded from the loan plan unless these governments sign the security agreements with the EU.
France has pushed the European approach, but countries like Poland and the Netherlands want to buy American equipment.
EU countries are also encouraged to stimulate security ties with NATO allies that are not EU members, notably Great Britain, Canada, Norway, Australia, Japan, South Korea and India.
The strategy notes that if the United States remains a key Western ally, it has been clear that it considers that it is too committed to Europe and must rebalance, reducing its historical role as a primary security guarantor.
Andrius Kubilius, EUS recently appointed and very first defense commissioner, warned that 450 million citizens of the European Union should not depend on 340 million Americans to defend us.
The priorities of expenses for joint purchase would be air defense and anti -missile, artillery, ammunition, drones, equipment to use in cyber and electronic warfare, and strategic catalysts such as air supply and land security facilities.
To help Ukraine repel the Russian invasion, the objective would be to provide at least two million crafts each year; Provide more air defense, missiles and drone systems; And continue to train tens of thousands of Ukrainian troops each year.
More money would also be channeled in the Ukraine defense industry.
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