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Play safely? The new EU spending plan leaves us in the cold

Play safely? The new EU spending plan leaves us in the cold



Kaja Kallas, Vice-President of the European Commission, deals with the media during the revealing of the White Paper for European Defense (European Commission)

Belfast The European Union has excluded the United States from access to a new finance proposal of $ 150 billion ($ 163 billion) for Europe (SAFE), because it tracks a path to greater strategic autonomy, a rearmament at the rate and less dependence in Washington for arms.

The SAFE initiative is within the larger 2030 preparation program announced by the European Commission today. It is a question of lifting the new financing through the capital markets, then of redistributing it to the Member States by loans according to the demand and the national equipment plans, according to a commission statement.

SAFE will allow the Member States to immediately and massively expand their defense investments through common purchases of European defense industry, focusing on priority capacities, he adds. This will help ensure interoperability, predictability and cost reduction of a solid European defense industrial base.

Security public procurement requires an involvement of at least two countries, one of which must be a member of the EU.

Eligibility is extended beyond EU members in Ukraine, to the countries of the European Free Trade Association (ARE) including the nations of Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland and Economic Europe (EEE). Alongside the United States, UKHAs have been excluded from participation.

What we see with ukraine, if they use weapons that are not produced in ukraine and sometimes there are limitations on How you can use Those weapons in Terms of Crisis, Your Military Needs to Really Have Free, Said Vice President of the European Commission Kaja Kallasat A Press Conference in Brussels UNASE OVER THE USTILITY OF FOREIGN WEAPON SYSTEMS AT A TIME WHEN SOME EUMEAN CAPITS ARE Raising Questions About the Operational Independence of High Profile US Airplanes like the fifth generation hunting plane of Lockheed Martin.

Safety funding represents a large part of the wider package of 800 billion Rearm Europe, the rest of which the EU plans to provide more than four years through a national defense escape clause which exempts the deficit calculations for individual defense budgets of the Member States, up to a maximum of 1.5% of GDP.

Under the weight of Russian attack and American pressure, the EU has also delivered a new white defense paper today [PDF] focused on how to fill the shortcomings in terms of capabilities, strengthen its industrial base, strengthen support for Ukraine and prepare urgently at the end of the decade.

The pace of allies and traditional partners, including the United States, swiveling Europe occurs faster than many had planned, warns the newspaper. The release of the newspaper intervenes in the middle of the pro-Russian signaling of President Donald Trump, as well as his call on the continent to appropriate more possession of his security, referring to military aid and American intelligence for Ukraine, threatening to annex the Greenland and expressing its aversion to NATO.

Air and anti-missile defense systems, ammunition, unmanned air systems (C-UAS), drones and electronic war equipment are part of conventional capacity shortcomings that target white paper, alongside emerging technologies such as AI and quantum IT. Gaps also include strategic catalysts such as supply and air transport aircraft.

The capacity gaps can be closed thanks to the acquisition of high intensity war capacities in accordance with the capacity processes of the EU and NATO “, describes the strategy document.” The scale, the cost and the complexity of most projects in these areas go beyond the capacity of individual member states. Thus, a coordinated action benefiting from the support of the entire EU toolbox would facilitate profitable purchases and cause an increase in European industrial defense capacity, strengthening our technological basis, including technological defense innovation.

Despite the clear concentration on how to resolve capacity shortages, the white paper does not specify joint flagship projects. The industry has repeatedly asked that the EU deploys such programs and has put them considerable funding in order to considerably strengthen military manufacturing through the continent.

Instead, the document offers a “set of defense projects of common European interest”, the type of which will be decided by the Member States on a later date.

Andrius Kubilius, European Defense and Space Commissioner, told journalists that the European Council had an “objective” to present “options” of the joint defense project to the Member States around June, although he has not indicated what options are being studied.

The White Paper also relies on collaboration programs to stimulate “scale savings” and accelerate the delivery times for equipment.

“In turn, this will increase the production capacity of [the] European defense industry, ”he adds.

“By creating the conditions necessary to invest massively in charge [the] Defense sector, offering a predictability necessary for industry and reducing red tape, the EU will help the Member States obtain preparation out of preparation in 2030. ”

Kubilius also said that he “did not want to get stuck on the figures” on the exact objectives of defense expenditure for EU members as a figure as a percentage of GDP, although he suggested that more than 2% of GDP was in accordance with a “new level of ambition”.





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