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Poland and the United Kingdom discuss the defense expenditure as Europe moves to cancer.

Poland and the United Kingdom discuss the defense expenditure as Europe moves to cancer.



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Poland is discussing ways to promote defense production while promoting defense production with the UK and other European countries as it responds to the pressure to strengthen its military power.

Andrzej Domaski added that European countries have discussed new tools for defense expenditures with British minister Rachel Reeves at the London meeting on Wednesday.

He said Poland, who had the Rotate EU presidency, invited Ribs for more discussions with Norwegian Treasury Secretary and former NATO Secretary -General at the European Financial Minister's meeting in Warsaw next month.

Domaski has a feeling that Poland and the British thoughts about Financial Times are very similar, and the Financial Times added that defense funds are the top priority when meeting EU Finance Minister and British opponents.

With the share of GDP, NATOS's top defensive Spender Poland has strengthened its defense when European partners respond to Ukraine's invasion of Russia and assume much more military promises in the region, according to US President Donald Trump.

Domaski and Reeves convened discussions on the side of the G20 Finance Ministers' Meeting held in Cape Town last month to investigate the method of raising the defense investment fund.

Andrzej Domaski, Polish Finance Minister: I have a very strong feeling of Pawel Supernak/EPA/SHUTTERSTOCK.

The European Commission announced a rear proposal on Wednesday, including 150 billion funds ahead of the top of the EU leaders on Thursday. The EU system will only open to British production weapons if the UK signs a block, defense and security agreement.

However, the Domaskis meeting with Reeves was held on the background of several EU member states looking for a way to participate in the British defense of Blocs.

Polish financing added that he is really interested in building Europe's capabilities and is interested in cooperating with non -EU members.

Domaski added that the joint goal was to spend more efficiently, provide support for SMEs, while lowering the cost of financing funds.

He said he would discuss Polish proposals at an unofficial eco -pin meeting in Warsaw next month. If the entire EU solution was important, but you could not achieve it at the EU level, you will try to find another solution.

Domaski has approved European purchasing approaches that promote domestic production by using defense spending as an industrial policy. Building a strong European defense industry is priority. It is always best to buy glossy.

He added to the UKS role as follows.

Officials are hoping that the European government investigates the general mechanism of funding in the cause sector, so that it will be able to get better value for the defense contract by making clubs on the purchase of equipment.

A British government spokesman said: we welcome efforts to improve EUS defense production. The European alliance must develop overall and need a new approach to gathering European efforts and taking additional measures.

The discussion in London was prepared to convene senior military planners in about 30 countries in the United Kingdom, who is willing to be willing to support Ukraine.

Thursday meetings will be investigated by European employees, which can be deployed inside Ukraine after the ceasefire, and will investigate the operating elements of the reassurance of the led by the Emergency-led, and the participants include John Hilly, the British Secretary of Defense.

At the British Army headquarters in HertfordShire's Northwood, the meeting was designed to continue to build trust and clear vision among allies, but we will look closely at the potential capabilities throughout the alliance.

According to those who are accustomed to the agenda, discussions are expected to include whether the countries who are willing to install the army in Ukraine can already relocate units that can be dedicated to Europe's NATO. Other countries in the Union, which had less appetite to put boots in Ukraine, were able to reverse the existing alliance deployment.

The United Kingdom has declared resistance to Moskov for immediate truce, which is not disappointed by Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday.

A British spokesman for Sir Keir Starmer said: we welcome President Trump's efforts to secure a ceasefire. But it is disappointing that President Putin did not agree with the immediate ceasefire without condition, as Ukraina did.

Additional report of Brussels in Paola Tamma




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