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Europe delays prices on American whiskey to take the time to negotiate

Europe delays prices on American whiskey to take the time to negotiate



Officials of the European Union said Thursday that they would delay their reprisals against President Trumps Steel and aluminum rates, including 50% samples from American whiskey and other goods until the middle of next month.

This decision aims to give managers time to refine the list of products that will be affected while allowing more time to conclude an agreement with the United States, said Olof Gill, spokesperson. The first wave of EU prices was originally starting on March 31, with a second wave to come a few weeks later.

The postponement could allow the authorities to reconsider if they wish to impose such important prices on sensitive products like Bourbon. And this comes when Europe is trying to prevent its trade relations with the United States undoubtedly the most important globes from transforming into a Tit-For-Tat trade war which costs consumers and businesses on both sides of the Atlantic.

The EU and the United States enjoy the largest bilateral and investment in the world, said Maros Sefcovic, the block trade commissioner on Thursday. This should be a priority for both parties to protect and develop this relationship more.

Mr. Sefcovic, who is responsible for negotiating business issues for the EU, spoke to his American counterparts by telephone last week. He said Thursday that he had learned that the Trump administration only wanted to negotiate on trade after April 2, when the United States should announce a new series of even more radical rates on its global business partners.

For them, this should serve as a baseline to redefine and rebuild US trade relations with the rest of the world, said Sefcovic. It is only then that the partners could be able to engage on possible negotiations.

The delay in the negotiation has complicated the initial start date for the statements of reprisals of Europe, which EU political decision -makers had always hoped to be a tool to encourage the Americans to the negotiation table.

The EU announced its set of prices last week in response to steel and aluminum prices that started on March 12. The European plan was initially to take effect on two phases.

The first which is now delayed would have allowed a set of prices which had been established during Mr. Trumps for the first presidency, then suspended during the Biden administration to recover at higher levels. Whiskey, motorcycles and a range of other products have been affected.

The second phase would have placed new prices on a wide range of American products. The Member States were supposed to consult on the proposed list, in a 99 -page document covering everything, from lingerie to soy products, including machine parts. These prices had to start in mid-April.

Now, all prices should settle next month, adding heavier samples up to 26 billion euros, or around $ 28 billion, for exports.

The slowdown in the process could allow those responsible for more time to take into account the comments and make changes, relevant at a time when the continent plan has already encountered a quick and painful response from Washington.

Trump said he would impose an overwhelming 200% rate on European champagne, wine and other alcohols to retaliate against Europe providing to hit American whiskey in particular.

This threat fueled the alarm among the European leaders of the nations producing wine. Giorgia Meloni, Prime Minister of Italy, warned against a vicious circle of commercial measures, and French Bayrou, the Prime Minister of France, said that Europe was likely to hit the wrong targets.

Whiskey was initially placed on the list of prices during Mr. Trumps First Trade War, in 2018, to target Senator Mitch McConnell, Kentucky Republican, who was then the head of the majority. Bourbon is a significant export of his country of origin. But with a new harvest of leaders at the Congress and in the context of Mr. Trump, political calculation around these products has changed.

Staying on everything is what could happen more before mid-April.

While details on the new prices that the United States could impose on April 2 remain rare, Europe has prepared their impact. Trump sometimes threatened that samples from cars and other products could reach 25% a painful blow for German car manufacturers, for example.

Sefcovic said Thursday that the United States could also trigger new trade measures on copper, wood and naval manufacturers.

Christine Lagarde, president of the European Central Bank, suggested on Thursday that prices were used as blackmail and that they could both greatly reduce European growth and add uncertainty to the pricing inflation.

But she said that if the EU had responded by concluding closer trade agreements both internally and with other business partners, this could compensate for these potential consequences.

The response to the current change in American trade policies should be more, no less, commercial integration, both with business partners from around the world and within the EU, said Ms. Lagarde.




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