2025 World Happiness Report shows us in the lowest list on the list

This year, the United States fell into its lowest report on the World Happiness Report, an annual survey published during the International Happiness Day. The 2025 report highlights the positive effects that benevolence and social ties have on the satisfaction of people's lives.
Finland has remained the happiest nation for the eighth consecutive year, while Mexico and Costa Rico have ranked among the 10 best for the first time since the report in 2012.
The report of this year class 147 countries by their levels of happiness – on the basis of the average evaluation of their quality of life of the population from 2022 to 2024. The data from the Gallup World Survey, which asks the respondents to assess their current life, is the main source of the annual classification of happiness.
The researchers discovered that the belief in the kindness of others, as well as on the relationship actively and shares with others, has strong effects on happiness, according to the report.
“Happiness does not only concern wealth or growth – it is confidence, connection and knowing that people have their backs,” said Jon Clifton, CEO of Gallup, in a press release.
The United States ranks 24th, its lowest ranking
The United States has ranked 24th in the world, a place below its ranking in 2024. America previously culminated in 11th place in 2012.
A factor highlighted in the report was the growing number of people who eat alone.
“In 2023, around 1 out of 4 American said they had eating all their meals alone the day before – an increase of 53% since 2003,” said the report. “Dinner alone has become more widespread for each age group, but especially for young people.”
The data examined for the report indicate significant differences in the rate of sharing meals in the world, with the sharing of meals having a positive effect on well-being.
Another factor contributing to the drop in America in the ranking, as well as to the rankings of certain European countries, was “the increase in political polarization and votes against” the “system”, according to the report.
“The evolution of happiness and confidence on the country's scale is strongly associated with the increase in the probability of voting for anti-system parties in Western Europe and the United States,” wrote the authors.
Mexico, Costa Rica enters the top 10 for the first time
One of the main reasons for the increase in the ranking of Mexico and Costa Rica seemed to be the size of family households.
“Latin American companies, characterized by larger household sizes and solid family obligations, offer valuable lessons for other companies looking for higher and lasting well-being,” said the report.
The report compared Mexico to European countries, explaining that even if it is poorer, “larger households involve a potential advantage to build positive social interactions within the household, which could partially offset income with Europe”.
In Europe, 23% of households were only one person, while in Mexico, only 11% were one person, according to the data cited in the report.
“In Mexico and Europe, the highest average life satisfaction is reported by people who live in households with four to five members,” the authors wrote. “We also observe an inverted U -shaped relationship. Average life satisfaction is lower for people in households in a single person as well as for households of six or seven members.”
Portfolio experience fallen
The Gallup World survey asked people in 2019 if they thought that others would return a lost portfolio and found that “people are far too pessimistic about the benevolence of others”.
“When portfolios were abandoned in the street by researchers, the proportion of returned portfolios was much higher than the planned people,” said the report.
The conviction that others would make lost portfolios have also contributed to the classification of a country.
The Nordic nations, including Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden, ranked in the first 10 countries and were among the best places for the expected and real return of lost portfolios, according to the report.
“Portfolio data is so convincing because they confirm that people live much happier where they think that each other,” said John F. Helliwell, economist at the University of British Columbia and editor-in-chief of the World Happiness Report, in a statement.
In addition, researchers found that benevolent acts worldwide were 10% more frequent in 2024 than in 2017-2019.
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