They falls to its lowest ranking in the latest World Happiness Report

Finland is named the happiest country in the world for the eighth consecutive year, according to the World Happiness Report published Thursday.
Other Nordic countries are also at the top of the happiness ranking in the annual report published by the Wellbeing Research Center of the University of Oxford. Besides Finland, Denmark, Iceland and Sweden remain the first four and in the same order.
The classifications of the countries were based on the answers that people give when they were asked to assess their own life. The study was carried out in partnership with the Gallup analysis firm and the UN sustainable development solutions network.
Happiness does not only concern wealth or growth on the confidence, connection and knowledge of people, said Jon Clifton, CEO of Gallup. If we want stronger communities and savings, we must invest in what really matters: each other.
Share meals and have someone to count
The researchers say that beyond health and wealth, certain factors that influence happiness are deceptively simple: sharing meals with others, having someone on which social support and household size. In Mexico and Europe, for example, a size of households of four to five people predicts the highest levels of happiness, according to the study.
To believe in the kindness of others is also much more closely linked to the happiness than we thought before, according to the latest discoveries.
For example, the report suggests that people who believe that others are willing to return their lost portfolio are a strong predictor of the global happiness of a population.
The Nordic nations ranked among the best places for the expected and real return of lost portfolios, the study revealed.
Overall, the researchers said that the global evidence on the perceived and real return of lost portfolios show that people are far too pessimistic about the kindness of their communities compared to the yield rates in reality are about twice as high as people expect it.
The United States falls to its lowest position in the ranking of happiness
While European countries dominate the top 20 of the ranking, there have been some exceptions. Despite the war with Hamas, Israel arrived at the 8th. Costa Rica and Mexico entered the top 10 for the first time, ranking 6th and 10th respectively.
Regarding the decrease in the unhappy of happiness, the misfortune of the United States fell to its lowest position at 24, having previously culminated in 11th place in 2012. The report indicates that the number of people to eat alone in the United States has increased by 53% in the last two decades.
The United Kingdom, in position 23, reports its lowest assessment of average life since the 2017 report.
Afghanistan is again classified as the most unhappy country in the world, Afghan women saying that their lives are particularly difficult.
The Sierra Leone in West Africa is the second more unhappy, followed by Lebanon, classifying the 3rd of the bottom.
Almost a fifth of young adults have no social support
In a worrying development, the study said that 19% of young adults around the world reported in 2023 that they had no one on which they could not count for social support. It is an increase of 39% compared to 2006.
All countries are classified according to their self-assessing life assessments on average from 2022 to 2024.
Experts in economics, psychology, sociology and beyond seek to explain the variations between countries and over time using factors such as GDP per capita, a healthy life expectancy, a person on which to count, a feeling of freedom, generosity and perception of corruption.
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