More than 110 children's attempts to British police every month | Social media

According to the National Crime Agency, the British police have received reports on more than 110 children's attempts every month.
The NCA said that the use of artificial intelligence has increased in the last three years as criminals adjust their methods.
The agency said for the first time in 2024 that such data police received an average of 117 reports from under 18 years of age.
Although it is a form of intimidation, even though a teenager is generally deceived by a fraudulator who has contacted a social media and messaging platform, a youth is generally a boy, even though a boy is generally a boy.
Criminals are demanding money and threaten to share materials with publicly or known to the victims.
The new NCA campaign, released on Thursday, appears in social media platforms, including Instagram, Reddit and Snapchat.
An important message for the victims is that they do not blame. It is not their fault and not alone. NCA's senior manager, Sean Sutton, said he would be able to apply and receive sympathy.
The National Crime AgencyS campaign appears in social media platforms, including Instagram, Reddit and Snapchat. Photo: National Crime Agency (NCA)/PA
The campaign to ask questions that threatens after sharing the nude also calms the slogan. Do not pay for the cost, please contact the victim to the NCAS CEOP (Children's Exploit and Online Protection) platform.
The NCA said the CEOP received 380 sex test reports in 2024. Sutton said last year that the campaign would continue to warn students about the lack of threats and to reach their parents and caregivers.
Last month, online safety waters, Internet Watch Foundation, said that children aged 11 to 13 are aiming for the goal of distribution offenders for the first time. Sutton said the ages aged 15-17 remain the most influenced children's population statistics.
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The NCA also saw an increase in the attempts of Sextort, which was digitally operated or AI created when the victims were not deceived not to send their intimate images before threatening.
Sutton estimates that the NCA will have more frequent attempts to create AI as the technology spreads. He said they would have more potential for these crimes.
Non -quarter gangs are usually overseas in Nigeria, Ivory Coast and the Philippines. Sutton said NCA continued to discuss with the Nigerian authorities on issues with the Nigerian authorities, and that there was the guidance of the remaining criminals with the guidance of comparative criminals among the options.
We are trying to do more with the Nigerians and all countries that focus on this type of crime, he said.
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