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British salary growth is still high, reducing the likelihood of reducing interest rates | economics

British salary growth is still high, reducing the likelihood of reducing interest rates | economics



According to the official data, official data increased to 5.8%, according to the official data that it would put pressure on the British bank policy makers and increase the interest rate when the decision was announced.

The wage growth rate was slightly reduced, but it was much higher than the inflation, indicating that the employer continued to provide higher wages to secure skilled workers.

The decrease to 5.8%, including bonuses, coincided with the prediction of urban economists and 3.1% higher after taking into account inflation in quarter.

Salary growth has been more than 4% for three years, and the strongest wage growth rate since the National Statistical Office (ONS) began to record this bill in 2001.

England bank policymakers would have gained data when they met on Wednesday to consider the unemployment rate and the interest rate cuts with little economic growth over the past six months. They are expected to increase wage growth while maintaining the rate level of 4.5%until the next meeting in May.

The unemployment rate remained the same at 4.4%in January, but the ONS warned that the labor survey could be greatly revised in the next few months. The statistics agency struggled to compile the investigation after the popularity of those who wanted to fill out the survey form.

British salary growth chart

Suren Thiru, an economic director of the accounting agency, suggested that the business trust is poor that the UKS Jobs Market means that the amount of exercise is almost no exercise.

He said: The increase in wages is twice the economy. This is because consumers will help to increase the major drivers of economic growth, which can limit interest rates by promoting fear of inflation increase.

Increasing the number of employer national insurance next month can increase the unemployment rate slightly and weak wages, he added.

Except for bonuses, profit growth was 5.9%. It was 6.1%for the private sector and 5.3%for the public sector. ONS said that the retail and hospitality sector experienced 6.3%of the largest rule growth rate and the construction sector was 6.2%.

The strong wage increase in this sector reflects a big fall in employment, especially in the retail sector. The British Retail Consortium (BRC) calculated that the industry has fallen 249,000 times to 2.88m over the past five years.

The ONS has traced vacancy since 2022, but has increased to 816,000 from November to November to November from 3 months to February. The level of vacancy was similar to the level of infectious diseases.

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The number of people in the economically disabled employees showed a small decrease, and the rate of economic activity decreased to 21.5%, down 0.2 percentage points in quarter.

According to a recent business survey, demand for workers has been slightly recovered over the past month.

According to the labor market tracker announced by the recruitment and employment union, the sector suffered from IT services and construction for the past year showed a recovery in job seeking advertisements.

According to a recent survey by a human resources group recruitment agency, the demand for workers has stabilized despite concerns about lowering business confidence level before the tax increase occurs early next month.

Employer National Insurance Donation will increase next month and will use the Treasury's 25 billion won. The minimum wage of 21S or more will increase from 6.7%to 12.21 per hour.

Economists expect inflation rupture wages to be supplied to higher household spending this year. According to the BRC survey, trust in the economy and respondents has improved.




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