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The UK home office announced a new visa and sponsorship fee from April 2025

The UK home office announced a new visa and sponsorship fee from April 2025



On March 19, the UK Home Office announced on April 9 to increase visa and sponsorship fees. The increase in most of the listed fees affects almost everyone, including experienced workers, sponsors, consensus and citizenship applications. The increase is up to 8.50 (why are you curious about why you are honestly bothered? We summarized the main changes of this post.

Sponsored Certificates (COS) fees for experienced workers, global business mobility seniors or professional workers, religious ministers and international sportsmen (more than 12 months) (the cost from 239 to 525 will increase. Applications, which are during the fee (769). 1,519 skilled worker applications (inside the UK): Previous: 827 new fees: 885 skilled worker applications (inside the UK): Previous: 1,636 new fees: 1,751 skilled workers (previous regret lists) will increase the increase of 39-76. Sponsorship costs for mid -size or large sponsors will increase by 103, with 1,476 to 1,579 indefinite vacations (settlement) from 2,885 to 3,029. In particular, the minimum increase of 8.50, which is not related to support, will be applied to children's convention travel documents, which will increase the cost from 53 to 61.50.

Interestingly, premium services, such as priority processing fees, thought it was easier, but it won't change much.

This increase increases the costs of companies that support workers and the financial burden of immigrants who settle in the UK. Employers should consider these changes as a recruitment budget, as the government continues to strengthen immigration rules and strengthen the investigation of sponsors.

The most recent change in the home office of March 12, 2024, the most recent change is that certain payments will be deducted from the skilled workers' salary when evaluating whether the minimum salary threshold is met from April 9th. This includes immigration costs, business costs or payments related to investment.

Salary deduction; Loan repayment; Or investment.

If the employer requires an employee to borrow the sponsorship cost or repay the visa fee through the salary deduction, the amount will be taken out of the employee's salary when determining whether or not to meet the experienced worker visa benefits.

When the updated case walker guide is released, you must wait for the details of what it means.

For more information about the new commission structure, visit the official home office website: British visa and immigration fees 2025.




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