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Pakistan International Airlines is prohibited by the UK

Pakistan International Airlines is prohibited by the UK



According to Karachi -UK private aviation authorities, an important meeting of the British Aviation Safety Committee is scheduled for March 20 and will be reviewed for a long -term ban on Pakistan, including Pakistan International Airlines (PK) or PIA.

The Commission will evaluate all Pakistan carriers and consider limited limitations from July 2020. The ban was enforced by the British and European aviation authorities according to the revelation of fake pilot licenses. Despite these frustrations, the Pakistan authorities express optimism on positive results in tomorrow's review.

PIA A320 of DAC; Photo: Shadman Samee of Bangladeshi Taka; Wikimedia Commons Background

When Ghulam Sarwar Khan revealed that the pilot was operating a fraudulent aircraft, the Tehreek-E-Insaf government of Pakistan was controversial in 2020.

The announcement came out in the aftermath of a tragic event in which the Pia Airbus A-320 crashed in the KHI residential area, causing nearly 100 deaths.

Revelation caused immediate regulatory measures. The European Union, the United Kingdom and the United States immediately banned Pakistan's operations in the airspace. This limit is about 4 billion rupees ($ 144 million) in annual income.

Photo: PIA 77-200LR | Pakistan International Airlines Boeing 777-20 | New development of Pakistan Airlines in the UK

In January 2025, after a long stop, the PIA first flight from ISB (ISB) to Paris (CDG), showing important milestones by effectively resuming services to Europe.

PIA spokesman Abdullah Hafeez Khan said London (LHR), Manchester, and BHX (BHX) would be the priority of the airline ahead of the potential operation of the UK.

PIA currently owns 23%of Pakistan's domestic aviation market. However, 34 aircraft fleets are struggling to compete with the Middle East airline, which dominates 60%of the market. The PIA has a contract with 87 countries and has a major landing slot at an international airport.

Photo: Magic Aviation-Boeing 777-240/ER Pakistan International Airlines PIA AP-BHXUPLOWED, DURA-ACE, CC by 2.0, uk-pakistan route connectity

Aeronautical travel corridors between the United Kingdom and Pakistan support serious cultural, economic and family relationships, representing the important connections of the two countries. About 1.2 million British Pakistanians, who form one of the largest diaspora communities in the UK, are consistently increasing their own flight routes.

Prior to the ban in 2020, several flights were operated per week between major cities, including London, Manchester, Birmingham, Islamabad, La Hor and Karachi. The route also provided not only Pakistan Diaspora, but also business travelers, tourists and students.

Due to the direct stop, travelers have relied on service connections through the Middle Eastern hubs such as Dubai, Abu Davi, and Doha. This has increased the travel time for hours, the cost of passengers increased, and the sacrifice of Pakistan Airlines and benefited the Gulf Carrier.

If the ban is lifted, industry analysts can create new economic opportunities for both countries by looking forward to the rapid restoration of the service. Tourism Development initiatives in Pakistan, especially in the northern regions, can benefit greatly due to the improvement of air connection with the UK.

The restoration of direct flights will also strengthen its trade relations, and the air cargo capacity will allow the two countries to transport the goods between the two markets faster when the two countries try to expand the commercial partnership after Breksit and after hate.

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