TRT Global – US Travel Ban 2.0: larger, wider and more controversial
Donald prevails over the second attempted prohibition to travel to be larger than his predecessor. Travel restrictions arise from an executive decree signed by Trump on his first day in the Oval Office on January 20, ordering the State Department and internal security managers to identify countries with deficient verification and screening processes.
The examination period expired on March 21. It has not yet been approved by the administration, including the American Secretary of State Marco Rubio, which changes him. However, the New York Times obtained a copy of the list made by the State Department of weeks ago.
The reports indicate that the new travel ban will have certain variations in previous versions.
A final list and a full report on affected countries are expected to be published later this week.
The restrictions are divided into three categories: countries faced with a complete ban and those with highly restricted trips. A third group consists of 26 countries that have had 60 days to respond to security problems or risk partial travel suspensions.
This tour will be more restrictive and organized than the first quarter of Trump administrations, which, on the scale of its ban, included 13 countries in total.
Initially called the Muslim ban, Trump had prohibited the controversial travel targeting seven major Muslim countries. The order has also indefinitely prevented Syrian refugees from entering the United States.
This time, the ban should present these nations and dozens of additional countries, a total of 43, the rotary in three different groups.
Here is what to expect the reworked ban:
Color, level system with poor verification process
The executive decree applied an intensified verification of foreigners seeking to enter the United States to detect national security threats.
Countries will be classified into three levels: complete (red) prohibitions, partial suspensions (orange) and those that received 60 days to improve safety measures (yellow).
All the countries that were part of the trums 2017 ban again.
The red category of the complete visa suspensions category includes familiar names such as Iran, Libya, North Korea, Somalia, Syria and Yemen. New additions include Afghanistan and Cuba.
Partial suspensions (Orange) apply to countries such as Eritrea, Haiti, Laos, Myanmar and South Sudan. Citizens of these countries looking for an American visa will be subject to compulsory interviews in person.
A longer list of 22 countries falls into the yellow category, which means that they must respond to security problems or risk more severe measures.
This level would include the following nations: Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, Biélorus, Bénin, Bhoutan, Burkina Faso, Cabo Verde, Cambodge, Guinea Cameroon, Chad, Libora, Mauritania, Mauritania, Pakistan, Republic of the Congo, Saint-Kitts and Mauritania, Pakistan, Republic of the Congo, Saints and Mauritania, Pakistan, Republic of the Congo, Sainttts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Sao Tome and Principle, Sierra Leone, Timor Oriental, Turkmenistan and Vanuatu.
Some inclusions are surprising
Bhutan, a Pacific Himalayan Nation known for its national gross happiness policy, appears on the list despite its small population.
The Bhoutans monarchy applies strict isolated policies to protect its culture, limiting trade, tourism and migration. Priorifying well-being about economic growth, his former king defended raw national happiness on GDP.
The probable reason?
A high visa exceeds absolute terms, which represents only 23 people. Bhutanese visitors had a high visa surpass rate during the 2022 fiscal year, but absolute numbers were less than 312 out of 255 visitors, with only 17 deportations.
Compare this to China, which had an exceeding rate of 3.67%, which represents 13,805 people. Or Russia, which has an exceeding rate of 7.51%, the actual number being 4,057 people.
Similarly, the leaders of the Little island nations of Antigua and Barbuda, Dominique, Saint Kitts Nevis and Saint Lucia say that they have not received any communication from the United States on the potential ban or on the concerns raised concerning their governance.
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