Us Court blocks the deportation of researchers at Georgetown University

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Badar Khan Suri is a student and teacher at Georgetown University of Washington DC
An American court prevented the Trump administration from deporting a researcher from the University of Georgetown who was detained by the immigration authorities earlier this week.
Badar Khan Suri, an Indian national, is a student postdoctoral scholarship holder and teacher at the prestigious Washington DC institution on a student visa.
The Ministry of Internal Security (DHS) accused him of “spreading Hamas propaganda” and of having “close ties with a known or suspected terrorist”.
Mr. Suri's lawyer and employer denied this allegation. His lawyer declared in a court deposited that his client had been targeted due to “the identity of his wife as a Palestinian and his speech protected by the Constitution”.
In an order on Thursday, judge Patricia Tolliver Giles said that Mr. Suri “would not be removed from the United States unless and until the court makes a ordinance contrary”.
In a statement under oath, his wife Mapheze Saleh said that detention “had completely changed our lives” and appealed to the court to allow Mr. Suri to return home to his family.
“Our children are desperately needing their father and they lack a lot,” she said. “As a mother of three, I desperately need her support to take care of them and me.”
His arrest follows the detention or deportation of other foreign students and university, including the Columbia graduate, Mahmoud Khalil, an eminent Palestinian activist.
Mr. Suri was arrested outside his home in northern Virginia on Monday evening by masked immigration agents, according to the legal documents seen by CBS News, the American partner of the BBC.
He was told that the agents were with the DHS, according to the documents deposited, and they informed him that the government had revoked his visa and that he was now faced with the expulsion of the country.
Mr. Suri was taken to Alexandria Staging Facility in Louisiana where he was detained, according to American immigrants and customs (ICE).
Tricia McLaughlin, assistant secretary of DHS, said on X that Mr. Suri actively spread Hamas propaganda and promoted anti -Semitism on social networks “.
She accused her of having “close ties with a known or suspected terrorist, who is a Hamas' main advisor” without providing additional details.
Georgetown University
Mr. Suri's stepfather is a former adviser to the killed Hamas Ismail Haniyeh, the Washington Post and the New York Times reported.
In her statement, Ms. Saleh said her father lived in the United States for almost 20 years while pursuing a master's degree and a doctorate. “Subsequently, he was political advisor to the Prime Minister of Gaza and as a deputy for foreign affairs in Gaza,” she said.
Ms. Saleh said he had left the Gaza government in 2010 and “started the House of Wisdom in 2011 to encourage peace and conflict resolution in Gaza”.
Mr. Suri's judicial files allege that he and his wife Mapheze Saleh – an American citizen of Palestinian origin – had “been” was “online for a long time by an” black list site in an anonymous manner “.
The BBC contacted Mr. Suri's lawyer for more details.
A spokesperson for the University of Georgetown told the BBC that Mr. Suri had “obtained a visa to enter the United States to continue his doctoral research on peacebuilding in Iraq and Afghanistan”.
The institution “was not aware of his commitment to an illegal activity, and we did not receive any reason for his detention”.
“We support the rights of the members of our community to an investigation, a survey, a free and open deliberation and debate, even if the underlying ideas can be difficult, controversial or reprehensible,” said the spokesperson. “We expect the legal system to rule this case fairly.”
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The students protested against Israel's attacks in Gaza in several universities last year, notably in Georgetown in Washington DC
In his article on X, Ms. McLaughlin said that Secretary of State Marco Rubio “issued a decision on March 15, 2025 that the activities and the presence of Suri in the United States made him deportable.”
The BBC contacted DHS to ask for more details on allegations against Mr. Suri and also asked the Indian Washington DC Embassy to comment.
Several students and academics have been investigated by American immigration officials in recent weeks, accusing them of pleading for “violence and terrorism”.
Khalil, a graduate of Columbia and permanent American resident, was arrested on March 8 after being involved in pro-Palestinian demonstrations on the campus. He was accused of having links with Hamas, which he denies.
The Columbia student, Leqaa Kordia, who is Palestinian of the West Bank, was arrested to “go beyond her student visa”. She had already been arrested in April 2024 for participating in demonstrations at Columbia University, according to DHS.
Ranjani Srinivasan, another student from the University of Columbia, chose to “self-work”. Officials said his student visa was dismissed on March 5. Her lawyers say she attended a handful of demonstrations and had shared or liked publications on social networks related to Palestinians in Gaza.
Professor of Brown University and specialist in renal transplant Rasha Alawieh, who is Lebanese, was expelled after arriving at Boston airport. US officials said they found “photos and videos” on his mobile phone who were “sympathetic” in the former long -standing chief of Hezbollah and activists.
According to a transcription of her interview examined by Reuters, she told customs agents that she had not supported Hezbollah but had great esteem for her leader because of her religion.
“I am not a politician,” she said. “I am a doctor. It is mainly about faith.”
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