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Ukraine, Russia to meet with American officials in Saudi Arabia next week | Russia-Ukraine War News

Ukraine, Russia to meet with American officials in Saudi Arabia next week | Russia-Ukraine War News



Translections on an American proposal for a partial ceasefire in Ukraine should resume on Monday in Saudi Arabia, Ukrainian and Russian officials confirmed.

Speaking at a press conference in Oslo on Thursday, Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that the structure of the meetings scheduled for Monday would see American officials meeting Ukrainian experts and then having separate interviews with Russian representatives.

There will be a meeting of Ukraine and America, then of shuttle diplomacy, as our American colleagues said America with Russia, he told journalists after a meeting with Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Store.

Yuri Ushakov, a first foreign policy assistant by President Vladimir Putin, confirmed that bilateral talks between Russian and American officials would take place on Monday in Riyadh, adding that they would focus on the security of expedition to the Black Sea.

Russia will be represented by Grigory Karasin, a former diplomat who now chairs the Committee of the Council of the Federation on Foreign Affairs, and Sergei Beeda, adviser to the director of the Federal Security Service (FSB).

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that when Putin and US President Donald Trump spoke by phone on Tuesday, they discussed the Black Sea initiative.

After the call, the White House had published a declaration saying that the leaders had accepted technical negotiations on the implementation of a sea cease-fire in the Black Sea, a complete ceasefire and permanent peace.

Limited ceasefire

After separate telephone calls with American President Donald Trump this week, Ukrainian and Russian leaders both agreed in a break in the attacks on energy infrastructure.

Zelenskyy said Thursday that he initially asked for a wider ceasefire, he was determined to work with the United States to prevent evening weapons on electricity production and civil facilities.

The day before, he reported that he intended to include not only energy objectives, but also rail and port infrastructure in a list of installations he would like to see included in the partial ceasefire.

On Thursday, he said that he would not discuss the potential American property of the Ukraines, the Zaporizhzhzhia nuclear power plant, Zaporizhzhia, with Trump after US officials said Washington could take over.

The factory, taken in the cross -fires since Moscow seized it after invading Ukraine in 2022, is an important asset, producing almost a quarter of Ukraine electricity the year preceding the war.

Asked about information that Trump planned to recognize Crimea occupied by Russia as part of Russia, Zelenskyy said that the American president had not raised the problem with him during their appeal.

The Kremlin has repeatedly declared Crimea, where the Fleet de la Mer Noire de Russia is based, officially part of Russia. The Black Sea Peninsula is internationally recognized as Ukrainian territory by most countries.


In London, Prime Minister Keir Starmer organized a meeting of Western military officials on Thursday to expand the plans of an international peacekeeping force for Ukraine, because the details of a partial cease-fire are developed.

Starmer and French President Emmanuel Macron, co-leaders of efforts to form the so-called coalition of The Willing, said that they were ready to deploy soldiers of peace in Ukraine following any ceasefire between Moscow and kyiv, an idea of ​​Russia was vehemently rejected.

Macron also declared that he would open a discussion on the extension of the Frances nuclear umbrella to the whole of the European Union.

Russia Sergei Shoigu, Secretary of the Security Council, said on Thursday that such declarations reflected the anti-Russian feeling that reigns in Europe today.

Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov accused Europe of turning into a war party.

For the most part, the signals of Brussels and European capitals concern militarise plans in Europe, he said.

Moscow also targeted Berlin, after the Chancellor Pending Friedrich Merz proposed a huge increase in defense spending and said Moscow put a war of assault against Europe.

Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova said the comments reflected the desire for the German political elites of historic revenge.

I Summit

During his stay in Oslo, the Ukrainian leader addressed a summit of EU leaders in Brussels, who saw Hungary of the Nations of all the members of Hungary, a joint declaration supporting Ukraine.

Speaking by Videolink, Zelenskyy said that it was simply anti-European when a person blocks decisions that are important for the whole continent, referring to Prime Minister Tohungare, the Orbans have repeated the opposition to the support of EU forukraine.

Zelenskyy also urged EU leaders to approve a set of at least 5 billion euros ($ 5.4 billion) for artillery purchases for Ukraine and called for continuous pressure on Russia.




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