Faced with Trump's threats, Canada moves defense ties away from us

Victoria, British Columbia, faced with threats of economic punishment and annexation of the Trump administration, Canada has launched a series of initiatives aimed at moving its traditional defense ties with the United States to Europe and other regions.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Melanie Joly, confirmed on Wednesday to journalists that Canada was in negotiations with European government officials about a joint defense alliance which would include public procurement projects.
She noted that the negotiations are at an advanced stadium and were invited, in part, by President Donald Trumps threatened to annex Canada.
Earlier this month, Trump raised a 25% rate on a variety of Canadian goods. He threatened to ruin Canada’s economy and warned that the only way the country could escape such punishment would be to become the 51st US state.
Trumps' actions have caused a general distrust of the United States in Canada and prompted the Liberal government to the power to forge new defense alliances, in particular with European countries.
We need new partnerships, Joly told Canadian Press News Service. We have excessive dependence on American purchases, especially in the defense sector.
Rhetoric leaving the White House is not only worrying, but it is also a threat to our sovereignty, she added.
Canada has not published details on the specific European nations with which it is in negotiations or when these talks could be concluded.
But at a press conference on Monday, Canadian Prime Minister Mark Carney revealed that he had ordered a Canada purchase of Lockheed Martin F-35 Fighter Jet.
The Canadian government undertook in January 2023 to spend $ 13.2 billion ($ 19 billion Canadian dollars) for the purchase of 88 F-35 from the United States government.
Carney, who linked the review to Trumps during the trade war against Canada, said that at this stage, the country only undertook to buy the first 16 F-35. He noted that he had discussions with representatives of the French and British government to find out if they could provide an alternative to the F-35 and if this plane could be built in Canada. In addition, he stressed that defense relations were a key element of his interviews with French President Emmanuel Macron and British Prime Minister Keir Starmer during his visit on Monday in these nations.
Given the geopolitical environment, given that there are options, given the need for a value for money, given the possibility of having substantial production of alternative aircraft in Canada as opposed to sending, as we have been, on average, 80 cents of each dollar in the United States, its caution and in the interest of Canada to examine these options, said Carney during a press conference.
The National Defense Department of Canadas has not answered the questions on the duration of the F-35 exam or the agency which proceeds to the financial year.
On Tuesday, Carney announced that Canada strengthened its defense relations with Australia by associating this country on a new exaggerated radar to monitor the threats of the Arctic. The radar project is estimated at $ 4.2 billion (CA 6 billion dollars) and would use the Australias Jindalee operational radar network, an exaggerated system developed in collaboration with Bae Australia.
Carney noted that partnership with Australia will build and put the system into service quickly.
At a television press conference on Tuesday, Carney said that the new radar would help strengthen Canada’s commitment to the joint North American aerospace defense command in the United States. But he also noted that the radar will allow Canada to act alone to better protect its territory.
International institutions and standards that have maintained Canada are now called into question, said Carney. American priorities, formerly closely aligned with ours, begin to change.
Meanwhile, some leaders of the Canadian defense industry have expressed their caution regarding the anger of the Americans, in particular with the possibility of emptying the F-35 agreement.
The cancellation of F-35 could be a good idea, but we have to think about it, Bombardier CEO Eric Martel said on a speech in Montreal on Monday. We [Bombardier] have contracts with the Pentagon. Will there be a reciprocity there?
Rebecca Miller, Director of World Media Relations for Lockheed Martin, said in an email that society appreciates its partnership and history with the Royal Canadian Air Force. She noted that Lockheed Martin is looking forward to continuing this relationship in the future.
Before becoming Prime Minister earlier this month, Carney expressed his support to stimulate Canada's defense budget. But he also questioned Canada's wisdom spending up to 80% of his military equipment budget on American systems, especially when the United States government threatens economic damage to Canada.
We have to spend more than this money here in Canada, he said in February.
Carney is expected to call a federal election on Sunday, several Canadian media reported on Thursday. Threats from Trump's administrations against Canada should play a major role in the political competition to form the next Canadian government.
David Pugliese is Canada's correspondent for Defense News.
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