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The United States refuses the French claims that a space researcher has been expelled from messages on Trump

The United States refuses the French claims that a space researcher has been expelled from messages on Trump




Competing accounts have emerged between Washington and Paris on the reasons why a researcher recently refused to enter the United States, in the latest example of immigration refusal under the Trump administration testing international relations.

France said on Thursday that the anonymous researcher had been prevented from entering the United States earlier this month after the authorities had found messages on President Donald Trump on his phone. Since then, US officials have rejected this complaint and said the researcher had held confidential information on an electronic device.

The Minister of Higher Education and Research of Frances, Philippe Baptiste, said that the researcher went to a conference near Houston on March 9 when the American authorities found that his phone contained exchanges with colleagues and friends in which he expressed personal opinion on research policies on Trump administrations.

The researcher then refused entry into the United States and expelled from the country, said Baptiste.

The French Ministry of Higher Education and Research said it had worked in the field of space research and that the incident had taken place on March 9.

Freedom of opinion, free research and academic freedom are values ​​that we will continue to proudly defend, Baptiste said in a press release.

I will defend the right of all French researchers to join these values, while respecting the law, whatever the country in which they find themselves, he added.

However, the spokesman for the Ministry of Internal Security, Tricia McLaughlin, said in a statement on Thursday that any statement that his dismissal was based on political beliefs was manifestly false.

The French researcher in question was in possession of confidential information on his electronic system of LOS Alamos National Laboratory in violation of a non-disclosure agreement something he admitted to having taken without authorization and tried to hide, she said.

Customs and American border protection (CBP) told CNN that they could not speak of specific cases but that all those entering the United States are subject to an inspection on a case-by-case basis.

If an individual has a material discovered on his electronic media which increases the flags during an inspection, this can lead to a more in -depth analysis. The statements that such decisions are politically motivated are completely unfounded, said Hilton Beckham, assistant public affairs commissioner of the CBP, in a statement.

Trump put pressure on a generalized repression against immigration which included a series of arrests and expulsion procedures against people associated with American colleges and universities, sending shock waves through the university community and lifting concerns about the protection of freedom of expression.

This story has been updated




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