Colleges warn international students to stay in the United States for spring holidays

That knowing about the prohibitions of traveling and which could affect
Immigration law allows presidents to restrict trips to the United States, but the prohibitions by President Donald Trump have been more radical than previous presidents.
International students and teachers of certain US universities are invited to postpone international personal trips due to the risk of expulsion. Several students saw their visa status dismissed for allegedly participated in campus demonstrations or shared their political opinions on social networks.
Like many students and teachers are preparing to enjoy spring holidays, others feel trapped inside American borders. If they leave, they could risk expulsion.
Some experts call for the latest immigration actions of the unprecedented Trump administration.
Just in March, a brown doctor returning to the United States from his home in Lebanon had his visa canceled, and an Indian doctorate. Columbia student autonomous in Canada following a raid by American immigration and the application of customs in her apartment.
On Sunday, Brown University sent an email to the campus level advising teachers, students and other members of the community on visas or a permanent residence status to postpone international personal trips for spring holidays, which takes place from March 22 to 30. Columbia University and Cornell University published similar advice on their website last week. At the end of last year, several institutions warned international students to return to the United States before President Donald Trump took office.
“We understand that many members of our community feel a lot of uncertainty and anxiety, because the information media share reports on federal expulsion actions against people who are not American citizens,” said Russell C. Carey, executive vice-president of planning and policies and interim vice-president for the life of the Campus in Brown, USA today by the University.
Opinions follow a handful of students in these universities who recently revoked their visa status. Trump's decree on national security and public security threats has led to increased deportations. There is also a prohibition of potential travel on citizens of 41 countries, including Iran, Syria, Cuba and Afghanistan.
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“Potential changes in travel restrictions and travel prohibitions, visa procedures and treatment, back-to-school requirements and other travel-related delays can affect travelers' ability to return to the United States as expected,” said Brown also. Even domestic trips are not clear at the moment.
The news arouses a concern among the more than 1.12 million international students who fear being targeted according to their nationality. By losing their visas, they also gave up the diplomas for which they worked so hard, while the other option is deprived of their right to travel to visit their family at home or make personal or school trips.
“This affects 100% almost all aspects of my life at the moment, honestly, and it does not come from a dramatic place, there are real consequences,” a 21 -year -old journalism student in Columbia, who has not disclosed fear of fear, in USA.
After graduating in May, they planned to visit their family in India the first time since their arrival at school in August, but told their parents not to book their ticket. They are now rushing to secure housing and a job as soon as possible because they are forced to stay in the United States and will be withdrawn from their student residence.
The story continues below.
What happens to international students?
Under the executive decree, the US State Department does a complete examination of all visa programs and guarantees foreign nationals not to threaten national security, a spokesman for the agency said in USA Today. Several students were targeted for having pretended to participate in campus demonstrations or to share their political opinions.
Ranjani Srinivasan, who is from India and who was a doctoral student in Columbia, was self-proclaimed in Canada after his F-1 student visa was revoked on March 5. She had shared or loved messages on human rights violations in the War of Israel-Hamas on social media and signed an open letter on liberation with other academics. The Ministry of Internal Security said that it “was involved in activities supporting Hamas, a terrorist organization” in a press release.
On March 13, a Lebanese doctor in Brown named Rasha Alawieh was questioned and expelled by customs and the protection of American border at Boston Logan International Airport for potential links with Hezbollah figures. Her American visa has been canceled and she is subject to a five-year ban on the United States
“It seems that the targeting of a permanent resident based on his speech and that nothing else under this provision of the Immigration and Nationality Act is unprecedented in the history of the United States,” said Elora Mukherjee, professor of clinical law at Columbia Law School who specializes in the rights to immigration.
The Immigration and Nationality Act declares any immigrant “whose presence or activities in the United States The Secretary of State has a reasonable reason to believe would potentially seriously seriously have foreign policy consequences for the United States.”
“Live in an unprecedented and dangerous moment when the executive branch tests the limits of its power in regard to and, in some cases, voluntary contempt towards the system of checks and counterweights which is set up by the American Constitution,” continued Mukherjee, also adding that it is a clear violation of the first right of freedom of expression.
'Really frightened right now'
Mukherjee said there had been an increase in international students from Columbia coming to his clinic to get advice, with “many of them really frightened at the moment of being targeted”.
Although there is not much to do until they are published, she advises students to think about their risk factors in order to make the “best decision” on travel and their visa status. This includes the consideration of the country of which they are citizens, if they have spoken of political conflicts and if they are active on social networks.
Universities said they were monitoring the situation. “The list of affected countries may change and additional restrictions could be implemented with little notice,” said Cornell.
For the student of the Master of Journalism, who sees himself in what happened to his Indian compatriot Srinivasan, they transformed their social media profiles in private and have their heads down while waiting to hear their application for an authority for an optional practical training, who would grant them 12 months in the United States after the graduation.
“I think that the fact that you are already vulnerable when you enter a new space, a new country, your accent is different, your journey is different, your culture is different, you abandon all the pleasures and comfort of your past life to do something of this new life,” said the student.
“I left everything for that, but this country could not provide me with basic humanity at this stage. It is my right to protest, it is my right to speak, it is my right to move as a human being to travel to move to meet your family, and this should be an inherent law,” continued the student. “I think anyone could identify with this; it is not even that you are American or not American.”
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