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The government plantes the first forest in 30 years.

The government plantes the first forest in 30 years.



The government announced today (Friday, March 21).

Western forests will create at least 2,500 hectares of new forests, with 20 million trees planted in the western United Kingdom for decades.

The government Declaration is the first step in devoted to three new national forests and today's presentations. The forest will provide services to more than 2.5 million residents, bringing trees and forests closer to people where people live, including cities such as Bristol, Glossor, and Swindon.

Western forests will lead to Avon's forest, one of the British community forests that provide up to 7.5 million government funds in the region. This project will activate existing forests and other important habitats to make forest networks for people and wildlife on a true landscape.

The new national forests will help to encourage economic growth as part of the government's change plan and to circulate in the moment by creating jobs throughout the UK. It will also help to meet our nature and legal environmental goals, including stopping the decline of species and protecting 30%of nature by 2030.

Mary Creaghh Natural Secretary said:

The government was elected to plant three new national forests as part of a promise to reach NET ZERO and promote sustainable growth in accordance with the government's plan for changes in the government.

We will plant 20 million trees in the western forest to make nature closer to people, prevent floods, and support wild animals.

Alex Stone, chief executive of Avon Forest in the UK, said:

Avon's forests have led to great and diverse and participating partnerships to vivid the western forest. This is about resources, funding and expertise that come directly to land owners, partners and communities. We will enhance the scenery that everyone can enjoy and improve the lives of 2.5 million residents and visitors in the area.

The West Forest, which covers two community forests in the UK and works with the National Forest Company and DeFRA, will strengthen, connect and improve the city and rural landscapes, support investments in the region, create jobs and technical opportunities, and bring endless benefits from planting and caring for trees. It is a very interesting time in this area, and we look forward to helping to form a western forest.

The National Forest Company, which manages the National Forest, will provide professional knowledge and mentoring to the western forest project team.

John Everitt OBE said:

The National Forest Company is pleased to see the first announcement of the new national forest promise.

Based on the success of the national forest in Midalland, planting more than 9.8 million trees has changed the landscape, which helped the wildlife, the community and the economy.

Western forests were selected for their ability to show similar ambitions to improve access to natural recovery and green spaces while supporting trees and forests.

Our countryside and forests are the source of great national pride, and today's announcement is an additional example of the government that delivers it for nature in accordance with the historical presentation of the British Beaver's wild release and management.

Additional information: Western Forest is a partnership led by Avon's Forest, a charity trust. The intention of Defras will be subsidized to the chief organization that develops the new partnership of the Western Forest. By 2030, the West Forest (WF) aims to contribute to the delivery of government legal trees and woodland covers to increase trees and wood covers to 16.5%of the United Kingdom by 2050 to create at least 2500 hectares of forests and other wooden habitats in five strategic priorities. The forestry committee was in the judge panel for the participants and will completely support the western forest. Western Forest will be supported by National Forest Company, a national expert who includes the creation of new forests along with the interior of residential and commercial development. It has transformed the Middland industrial environment with 200 square miles of Mile Skay, and will build a achievement to change more communities and landscapes. The National Forest Company has a demonstrated performance on the creation of successful forests of 30 years, and has been transformed into a prosperous city and village network with trees and forest covers that have increased more than 25% to 25% within the national forests. Western forests are a vision to provide a flexible future that will help the economy, nature and rural and urban communities. Western forests include advanced communication, innovative pilot programs on new cooperation, volunteer, health, education and accessibility between state -of -the -art communication, stakeholders and land owners. Since more than 73% of the new national forest land use is agriculture, the Western Forest provides a great opportunity to integrate trees into the landscape of farming through farmers and farmwoodlands. This tree habitat provides various environments, economic and social benefits without compromising food production by regenerating soil and improving the elasticity of floods and droughts, without compromising food production and supporting the government's land use framework.




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