Europe is working on the plan to replace us in NATO in five to 10 years: Report | NATO news

NATO members seek to avoid a possible chaos if the United States declares its withdrawal from the Transatlantic Military Bloc.
The largest military powers in Europe develop plans to assume greater responsibilities for the defense of the United States continents, including land in the administration of President Donald Trump, for a transfer managed over the next five to 10 years, according to a new report.
The United Kingdom, France, Germany and Northern countries are among the people involved in informal but structured discussions that would reshape the North Atlantic Treaty Safety Block (NATO), the Financial Times Newspaper reported on Thursday, citing four European officials involved.
The news also intervenes as Bloomberg News reported on Friday that NATO will ask Europe and Canada to increase its stocks of weapons and equipment by 30%, in the midst of its political struggles with the United States and prevails over the repeated threats to withdraw from the block.
According to the FT report, talks are an attempt to avoid chaos possible if the United States unilaterally declares its withdrawal from the Transatlantic Security Alliance which has protected Europe for 80 years.
Europeans would like to present the plan to the United States before the annual summit of Natos leaders in The Hague in June.
American role
Currently, the United States contributes 15.8% to NATO annual expenses of $ 3.5 billion. It also deploys between 80,000 and 100,000 soldiers across Europe, which makes its role essential for the safety of continents.
European countries such as Germany, France and the United Kingdom have already announced that they would increase their defense spending and their investments in its soldiers.
Citing government representatives, the FT report said it would take approximately five to 10 years of increased spending to increase European capacity to a level where they could replace most American skills.
The increase in expenses is the only game we have: the sharing of the burden and the discrepan on the dial of us, one of the officials, was cited by the FT. These talks started, but it is such a great task that many are overwhelmed by its scale.
However, the report indicates that some officials always believe that Trump was only doing rhetoric and that he does not really intend to make significant changes in the alliance. Others ask if Europe can still trust the United States under Trump.
Since Trump won the election in November of last year and returned to the post earlier this year, European countries rushed to stimulate defense spending and rethink their military positioning, in the midst of an increasing affirmation of Russia.
Bloomberg said that the five main areas targeted during the following period are air defense systems, deep shooting capacities, logistics, communication and information systems and terrestrial maneuver capacities.
Air defense systems have been specifically distinguished as an area that requires more capacities from all allies, including the United States, added the report.
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