Reeves, who is under pressure from the UK borrowed, has greatly exceeded the prediction | Government borrowing

Unexpected public expenditure data was pressured to Rachel Reeves in the next spring statement, and the British government was much more than expected to be 10.7 billion last month.
In the frustration of the prime minister, the difference between the total monthly total public sector spending and income was rapidly overdosing the polls of Reuters experts who predicted a deficit of 66 billion won.
The NATION Statistics Secretariat, which was published before the CRUNCH statement next week, has little changed from the same month compared to the previous year compared to the previous year, but according to the fiscal year, it increased almost $ 150 billion in the same period last year.
Isabel Stockton, a senior research economy of the Financial Research Institute, said that the simple estimation method of fiscal year could reach about 150 billion won in October than the prediction of the independent budget liability (OBR) in October.
She put herself in a box with a promise to achieve her financial goals in order to meet her financial goals, not raise taxes, and return to public service for public services.
Reeves is expected to announce spending cuts in the Spring Statement on Wednesday, which occurs compared to the background of sluggish economic growth, stubborn high inflation and government borrowing costs.
The updated prediction of OBR is expected to be broken without her own fiscal rules. We offer the Labor Party to justify the welfare cuts announced earlier this week.
Lastly, in the Okto Bus budget, the superintendent left 99.9 billion about her major financial goals, which should match everyday expenditures with income. However, borrowing costs rose sharply in the global market, promoting higher debt and legislation. With weak growth prospects, economists warned that this would disappear the minister's headroom.
British graphics
The latest snapshot of public finance was made after the OBR's prediction of the Spring Statement, which OBR will be built on the Treasury on Friday, emphasizes the challenge faced by the prime minister. According to the Telegraph report, this prediction is expected to reduce the UKS expected growth rate in the 2025 fiscal year from 2%to about 1%.
James Smith, the researcher at Resolution Foundation Thinktank, said that this figure emphasized the dangerous state of public finance. The superintendent has ruled a tax increase to meet this rules and is expected to reduce expenditures for benefits and public services. But if the economy does not turn the corner soon, the tax increase must be restarted.
According to the February figures, the government borrowed $ 13.21 billion in the first 11 months of the 2024-25 fiscal year, and the third lender was borrowed by March 2, which was almost 15 billion won in the same time as the fiscal year, and the third loan in March, after the monthly record began in 1993.
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Reeves aims to negotiate with her fiscal rules and to lead the political good with the Liz Truss, and to exclude tax hikes to find efficiency saving with the path of reducing spending and minimal resistance.
However, this strategy is at risk of damaging the back bench labor MP and other promises to avoid returning to a tightening, and to repair the assaulted public service.
Emphasizing the backlash against the superintendent, a group in the UK wrote a letter to the Financial Times on Friday.
Kings College London's Jonathan Portes, Mariana Mazcato in the University College London, and HA-Joon Chang of London University and David Vines at Oxford University have been in the UK for the last 15 years. He taught that the way of growth cannot be cut.
Darren Jones, the Finance Minister, said the government should go faster to create an agile and productive state where people work for people.
He said: The core of this urgent mission is a healthy public finances according to our impossible fiscal rules. This government will not be fast and loose with public finances.
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