As the prime minister faces difficult spring statements, the British growth prediction setting | Political news

The superintendent's update for the economy next week will not be an emergency budget in the most true sense. But it will be the moment when the siren blinks in red.
A few weeks ago, the superintendent is not an emergency budget, as you can see in an interview with Rachel Reeves on the electoral disorder. Tax changes will not change taxes (these measures will turn into a budget territory because they change spring statements into major fiscal events).
But it looks like the red siren moment of the superintendent. She had a reputation for the return of economic growth and tightening, so she had to announce the downgrade for growth forecast and revealed the largest spending in Whitehall for several years.
This week's welfare cut was just a starter. The opposition party will have the day of the field.
Watch out for “retraining” within the next few days as the Treasury attempts to form a debate in the dispatch box on Wednesday.
By knocking on the world uncertain worldwide and forcing the state to invest more in defense, “I will tell you how the world has changed.
This is part of the prime minister who wants to grow sluggish in his budget decision last October (the Conservative Party will return job taxes.
It will also be more likely to be “faster and faster” necessity for the economy (Quangos's bonfire, plan rules, regulations and propulsions for saving efficiency).
However, all the claims she claims will not be able to dug the sharp inhalation of breathing as the growth is downgraded, and the governor briefly explains that it can be reduced to the department's budget by trying to prevent the black hole of public finances caused by the slowdown in growth and the increase in debt repayment.
1:29 What should I expect from the Spring Statement
Economists expect to eat £ 9.9 billion headroom to meet their fiscal rules in the October budget.
The Foundation Think Tank estimates that the current account balance has moved from £ 99 billion to about £ 4.4 billion. Many Labor Party MPs think that Ribes should solve her fiscal rules (although she suggested that everyday expenditures should raise funds from tax receipts, not debt, by 2029/30), she told me about our election functional disorder podcasts that she would not do.
I am not ready for her public finances to sit in red. But returning to Black will contain a lot of spending.
Therefore, be careful of the reduction in the WhiteHall department's budget in the second half of the parliament.
The government has already saved £ 500 million from the Benefits Act by 2029/30, and has withdrawn the expected increase in department spending toward the backend of Congress.
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Department expenditures are expected to increase by 1.3% from 2026-27. If the superintendent reduces this, you can save billions of dollars. However, the headline screams, especially for departments that can face actual terms without protecting the budget.
It will be difficult. The government is a cry of Australity 2.0, which is a disappointing public official who pointed out that the government has spent billions of dollars in public expenditures after executing the largest tax on a generation and spending budget.
3:06 Reduction of benefits has been explained
One person said, “This is not a return to a tightening of the actual terminology.” We will find savings and pressure spending, but the overall level of spending will still increase.
But it is nervous. She asked for savings and asked Ministers to identify the department's 5% efficiency and to identify 20% of the top priority expenditure. Private pastors protest about cuts.
More Read: What can be made in the spring statement of Rachel Reeves? What is a spring statement and what should I know?
Harriet Harman, a labor colleague, said it would be shocking to identify such a large level of savings in the electoral disorder podcast.
“When I heard to do 2%and even felt that it was very difficult, I should imagine that it is causing a desire.
“It's a very difficult exercise, but at the end of the day, we are in a difficult situation.
“We promised voters how to run the economy, which is what we do.
“And I think the Labor Party MP is very solved. They know that the situation is difficult. They know that the government has a series of principles they apply, and it will support it.
“So one thing we get is political stability for this. There's nothing creaking on the hand brake U -turn. There's no huge rebellion and no cabinet division.”
The government hopes that the protest will be called by discussing how to reinstate the Whitehall in a way that the protests can be reinstated even if the government trains the Whitehall on the front and wields the budget.
Last week, the biggest symbol of the abolition of NHS England and returning NHS's supervision as the Ministry of Health is said that the government could save up to £ 500 million annually.
But even if Harriet Harman is right for the rebels and pastors, their arguments will polish their arguments, and the main downgrades of growth forecasts and spending with the government will be the opposite of the election.
Whenever you receive a podcast, click here to follow the election function disorder.
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