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American universities reduce staff, expenses while Trump Cuts settles

American universities reduce staff, expenses while Trump Cuts settles



The Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge has frozen hiring for non-professional stations. Credit: Mel Musto / Bloomberg / Getty

The assault on American spending reductions causes drastic action of universities across the United States. University establishments react to the administration of the US President Donald Trumps Campaign Conting with hiring clearings, travel restrictions and moratoria increases on wages. At least one American university has lost staff and other campuses are considering layoffs and content.

The number of schools and programs known to have restricted admissions to higher education continues to increase. The administration threatens even more extensive cuts, leading certain researchers to fear for the future of the American academic system, which is based on federal financing to finance everything, from graduate students to the construction of maintenance and public services invoices.

The academic model on which universities had to conduct their research, to finance their students, to finance third cycle students, all this is in crisis, because many of them have been funded by federal subsidies, explains Aseem Prakash, political scientist at the University of Washington in Seattle. It is a massive shock.

The White House did not respond to a request for comments before the time of publication.

Sudden change

The administration has smothered several sources of income to universities. The National Institutes of Health and other federal agencies have dismissed research subsidies and interrupted the examination of new subsidy requests. Universities could also face strong reductions in federal income for indirect expenses that are used to manage research facilities and tax hikes on allocations.

Dozens of campuses are faced with even more severe restrictions. The American Department of Education has announced that 60 US higher education establishments were under investigation for harassment and potentially anti -Semitic discrimination. The department cited demonstrations that started on many campuses after Israel has invaded Gaza in 2023 in response to Hamas attacks.

The administration has already canceled US $ 400 million in federal subsidies and contracts at Columbia University in New York due to the pursuit of school inaction to protect Jewish students against discrimination, according to a statement.

On Wednesday, the media indicated that the administration had suspended $ 175 million in federal funding at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, for its support for transgender athletes. A university spokesperson said that his policies on students' participation in sports teams comply with those of national sports bodies.

The speed and scope of the federal government assault is entirely new, explains Daniel Greene, information scientist at the University of Maryland in College Park.

Sour labor market

In response to the cuts and financing concerns about the future, the hiring of gels for all the staff and the teachers was announced in institutions such as the University of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania. The Interdisciplinary Institute of Maryland Artificial Intelligence plans to hire 40 teachers in fields such as flea engineering, neural networks, political science, history and health. This will now probably be sculpted at three of the four teachers, explains Greene.

Other schools, such as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge and the University of Pennsylvania, have freezed the hiring mainly for unpaid.

Money saving measures in universities include abandonment of salary increase and employment promotions, and directives to avoid non -essential travel and training. Expenditure has been frozen for conferences, food and events The types of things to bring people together, which even more in the morale in many ways, explains Jevin West, computer scientist at the University of Washington. Universities interrupt expenses for subscriptions, contributions and subscriptions, and some examine the expenses of new buildings and renovations.

The University of Washington prevents researchers from spending grant financing until money is delivered. It's a big problem, says West. Having this really slows down the research process.


A significant number of universities limit admissions to higher education. Many MIT departments admitted fewer graduates this year. Office of the health sciences of West Virginia Virginia Research and higher education office in Morgantown has canceled the offers to students who had not yet returned from letters of acceptance. And a few dozen candidates for medical schools from UMASS Chan Morningsoide Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences in Worcester, Massachusetts, were informed in early March that their provisional acceptance offers had been canceled.




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