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The United States says that the decision to go back French scientist had nothing to do with Trump

The United States says that the decision to go back French scientist had nothing to do with Trump



French governments claim that a scientist was denied entry to the United States due to an opinion he expressed about the Trump administration is clearly false, said an American official.

Even if the authorities of France continued to call the case a violation concerning academic freedom, the American official, Tricia McLaughlin, who is spokesperson for the Department of Internal Security, said that the scientist had been repressed for reasons unrelated to his personal convictions.

The French researcher in question was in possession of confidential information on his electronic system of LOS Alamos National Laboratory in violation of a non-disclosure agreement something he admitted to having taken without authorization and tried to hide, said McLaughlin McLaughlin on Thursday evening.

Philippe Baptiste, the French Minister of Higher Education, said this week that the scientist, who had not been publicly identified and who specializes in space research, went to a conference near Houston earlier this month.

The scientist was not allowed to enter the United States, said Baptiste, because his phone contained messages with colleagues and friends in which he gave his personal opinion on President Trumps Scientific and research policies.

But Ms. McLaughlin rejected this evaluation. Any statement that his withdrawal was based on political convictions is manifestly false, she said. She did not provide more details.

We did not know when or how the scientist could have worked or interact with the Los Alamos laboratory, nm

LOS Alamos National Laboratory is best known as a crucial place for the development of the atomic bomb.

Today, this is the main research installation for the National Nuclear Security Administration, but it also conducts scientific work on other subjects. Laboratory representatives were not immediately accessible to comment.

The scientist worked for Frances funded by Frances National Center for Scientific Research. The representatives of the center said that he did not wish to speak to the media, but they did not immediately respond to the allegations of the Ministry of Hommelier against him.

The office of Mr. Baptiste, who headed the French national center for space studies, did not become a minister in 2024.

But Friday, Mr. Baptiste repeated his assertion that the scientist was targeted due to private discussions and opinions on the policies of Trump administrations.

He told South Radio in an interview that he had not spoken directly with the scientist but that his ministry was in contact with him.

Each country is free to regulate their borders, recognized Mr. Baptiste. But he said that the case of scientists was extraordinarily atypical and a subject of concern.

This concern was shared by the French Academy of Sciences, which declared Thursday in a press release that the deportation of scientists seriously undermines the fundamental freedoms of the academic world: freedom of thought, expression and travel.

Zolan Kanno-Youngs contributed to the reports of Washington, DC, and Sgolne Le Stradic de Paris.




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