Tourist detentions arouse anxiety among travelers for us

San Diego Lennon Tyler and his German Fianc have often made trips en route to Mexico when he spent a vacation in the United States, because it was only one day of his home in Las Vegas, one of the advantages of their long-distance relationship.
But things turned badly when they came back from Tijuana last month.
The American border agents handcuffed Tyler, an American citizen, and chained him on a bench, while his Fiank, Lucas Sieff, was accused of having violated the rules of his 90 -day American tourist license, said the couple. The authorities then handcuffed and chained Sielaf and sent him to a crowded American immigration detention center. He spent 16 days locked up before being allowed to go home to Germany.
Since President Donald Trump took office, there have been other highly publicized tourists like Sielaff who stopped at the American border crossings and held weeks in American immigration holders before being authorized to return home at their expense.
They include another German tourist who was arrested at the crossing of Tijuana on January 25. Jessica BRSCHE spent more than six weeks locked up, including more than a week for isolation, a friend said.
On the Canadian border, a countryside in Wales spent almost three weeks in a detention center before returning home this week. And a Canadian on a work visa held at the Tijuana border spent 12 days in detention before returning home last weekend.
SIEFF, 25, and the others say that it was never specified why they were placed in police custody even after having proposed to return to them voluntarily.
Pedro Rios, director of the American Friends Service Committee, a non -profit organization that helps migrants, said in the 22 years he worked on the border that he has never seen travelers from Western Europe and Canada, long -standing American allies, locked up like that.
It is really unusual with these cases so close to each other, and the justification for the detention of these people does not make sense, he said. This does not justify the treatment and the heinous conditions they have endured.
The only reason I see is that there is a much more fervers' anti-immigrant atmosphere, said Rios.
The American authorities did not respond to a request from the Associated Press for figures on the number of tourists who have been held in detention establishments or explained why they did not simply refuse entry.
Incidents feed anxiety while the Trump administration is preparing to ban travelers from certain countries. Noting the evolution of federal travel policies, the University of California, Los Angeles sent an opinion this week urging its students born abroad and its staff to consider the risks of non -essential travel for spring holidays, back -to -school requirements can change during your absence, which has an impact on your return.
Immigration and customs application declared in an E-mail at AP that SIEFF and BRSCHE, detained for 45 days, were tried inadmissible by customs and border protection. This agency said it could not discuss details, but if the statutes or visa conditions are raped, travelers can be subject to detention and deletion. The agencies did not comment on the other cases.
The two German tourists were authorized in the United States as part of a renunciation program offered to a limited group in countries, mainly in Europe and Asia, whose citizens are authorized to go to the United States for business or leisure up to 90 days without obtaining a visa in advance. The candidates register online with the electronic system for travel authorization.
But even if they are allowed to travel under this system, they can always be prohibited from entering the country.
Sieff arrived in the United States on January 27. He and Tyler decided to go to Tijuana for four days in mid-February because Tyler's dog needed an operation and veterinary services are cheaper. They thought they would appreciate tacos and make a fun trip.
Mexico is a wonderful and beautiful country that Lucas and I love to visit, said Tyler.
They returned on February 18, at just 22 days of 90 -day Sielafs Tourist permits.
When they stopped at the crossing, the American border agent asked Sieff aggressively, where are you going? Where do you live? Said Tyler.
English is not the first language of Lucas and he said, went to Las Vegas, and the agent said, oh, we caught you. You live in Las Vegas. You can't do this, said Tyler, telling what happened.
Sieff was taken for more questions. Tyler said that she had asked to accompany him or if he could get a translator and he was told to be silent, then withdrawn from his car and handcuffed and chained on a bench. His dog, recovering from surgery, was left in the car.
After four hours, Tyler was authorized to leave but said that she had not been informed of her fiancés.
During the interrogation, SIEFF said that he had told the authorities that he had never lived in the United States and had no criminal history. He said he had received a full search and ordered to put his mobile phone and personal effects. He was placed in a detention cell where he slept on a bench for two days before being transferred to the Otay Mesa detention center in San Diego.
There, he said, he shared a cell with eight others.
You are angry, you are sad, you don't know when you can go out, said Sieff. You just don't get anyone's response.
He was finally told to get a direct flight to Germany and submit a confirmation number. In a frantic call from Sieff, Tyler bought it for $ 2,744. He flew on March 5.
What happened on the border was only blatant abuse of the power of border patrols, said Tyler.
Ashley Paschen agrees. She said that she had learned BRS of a Tiktok video asking anyone in the San Diego region to get help after her family learned that she was owned at the Otay Mesa detention center. Paschen visited her several times and said to his people who worked to take her out. Brosche returned home on March 11.
She is happy to be at home, said Paschen. She seems very relieved, but she will not come back here soon.
On February 26, a tourist in Wales, Becky Burke, a backpacker on a trip through North America, was arrested at the United States border and held for almost three weeks in a detention center in Washington, his father, Paul Burke, published on Facebook. She returned home on Tuesday.
On March 3, Canadian Jasmine Mooney, an actress and entrepreneur who had a visa to work in the United States, was detained in crossing Tijuana. She was released on Saturday, said her friend Brittany Kors.
Before the release of Mooneys, the Prime Minister of British Columbia, David Eby, expressed his concern, claiming that this certainly reinforces the anxiety that many British Columbians have, and many Canadians have, on our relationship with the United States at the moment, and the unpredictability of this administration and its actions.
The detentions are involved in the midst of legal fighting concerning the arrests and deportations of Trump administrations other foreigners with valid visas and holders of green cards, including a Palestinian activist who helped organize demonstrations on the campus against the war in Gaza.
Read more: What to know about Mahmoud Khalil, and why his green card was revoked
Tyler plans to continue the US government.
Sieff said he and Tyler are now rethinking plans to hold their marriage to Las Vegas. He suffers from nightmares and envisages therapy to deal with the trauma.
No one is no longer safe to come to America as a tourist, he said.
The writer Associated Press, Rob Gillies, reported in Toronto.
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