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Panama surprises us 1-0 on the late goal of Waterman, eliminating the Americans from the League of Concacaf Nations

Panama surprises us 1-0 on the late goal of Waterman, eliminating the Americans from the League of Concacaf Nations



Inglewood, California (AP) Cecilio Waterman scored an astonishing goal in the fourth minute of injury time in the second half, and Panama beat the Triple Triple Champion in the United States 1-0 Thursday evening to reach the final of the League of Concacaf.

Waterman took a pass on the right side of Adalberto Carrasquilla in front of an wrapped American defense and pulled a perfect diagonal stroke on a right foot in front of Matt Turner in the corner of the far left. The Watermans 11th International Ossin, in Panamas, only drew on the target at night, the Panamanians put forward one last Sunday against Mexico.

Many good things happened to me in my career, but it is different, Waterman said. This one was incredible.

Waterman, a 33 -year -old attacker who plays professionally in Chile, snatched his jersey and disabled the advertising boards before climbing a broadcast scene to celebrate with Thierry Henry, who looked as amazed as the rest of the crowd at the Sofi stadium.

You are my idol! Waterman shouted several times in Spanish before hugging Henry, a large arsenal.

Waterman took his own step towards idol status while Panama has been beaten the United States for the third consecutive time in competition matches, after victories in a semi-final of the CONCACAF Gold Cup in 2023 and the group of COPA America's group in recent years. Coach Thomas Christiannsens Club has repeatedly exceeded expectations during his mandate, and this victory was only the last remarkable achievement for Los Canaleros, who beat Costa Rica on the road last November in the quarter -finals of the League of Nations.

This is the third time we have been in this position, Waterman said. This time, we want to offer this gift to Panama. We want to do something for them, for Central America.

The defeat of a half -empty SOFI stadium was a big trip to the American coach Mauricio Pochettino, who replaced Gregg Berhalter six months ago after the release of the Americans in the first round at Copa America.

After the third place on Sunday match against Canada, Pochettino will have its full players swimming pool for only five training camps before the team gathered before the World Cup.

I am very disappointed because I do not think the way we approached the game was the right way, said Pocsettino. The first half, I think we played too slowly. We have not shown any assault with the ball, and the consequence of not showing aggression with the ball, we also did not show any attack defensive.

The Americans, without the outside, serves Sergio Dest and Antonee Robinson due to injuries, almost equaled it to the eighth minute of injury, but Tyler Adams missed the net on a clean shot just outside the penalty surface of a crossroads by Christian Pulisic. Adams returned to the national team for the first time since COPA America after recovering back surgery.

Panama won one of the biggest victories in its football history at the same stadium where Los Canaleros lost the 2023 Golden Cup final against Mexico on a late goal from Santi Gimnez. Three days before this match, Panama also upset the United States 5-4 on penalty kicks in the semi-finals.

I think the guys played a big match, said Christiansen. The only way to beat the United States is with tactical discipline and order, then a little luck. It must be with you, and it was with us this time.

For the first time, the CONCACAF Nations League Trophy will not remain in the United States that the Americans won the first three editions of this tournament, which only started in 2019.

The Americans had the best chances in the first half, but came empty.

Josh Sargent put a shot on a post in the 19th minute, and the head of Weston McKennies a few moments later went directly to the goalkeeper. Sargent then scored in the 24th minute, but the United States was excluded offside in the accumulation several seconds earlier.

Sargent has not scored for the United States for 5 and a half years.


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