Us Soccer announces matches for the second round of 2025 Lamar Hunt US Open Cup

Chicago (March 21, 2025) The draw and the calendar of the second round of the Lamar Hunt US Open Cup 2025, US Socmers National Championship, was announced by American football.
Second round sixteen meetings should take place across the country from April 1 to 2; All correspondence details will be carried out on Like the first round, all the business of the second round can be seen live and free exclusively via the American football youtube house.
The first round will end this evening with an intra-USL affair between the amateur SC (USLL2) flattirons to Union Omaha (USLL1) to Golden, Colorado, at 9:00 p.m. HE (Look Live @ussoccer on YouTube).
2025 Lamar Hunt US Open Cup second round of the pairs
Home teams were listed first; Visit for the update matches
Datetime (and) OPPPECIENTS APRIL 16 PMCOLUMBU CREW 2 (NP) against Lexington Sporting Club (USLC) Field; Columbus, Ohio April 17 South Tormement FC (USLL1) against Foro SC (UPSL) Tormement Stadium; Statesboro, Georgia. 5.30 p.m. Pminter Miami CF II (NP) against Miami FC (USLC) Chase Stadium; Fort Lauderdale, Florida 5.30pm PMCHARLOTTE Independence (USLL1) against Carolina Core FC (NP) Mecklenburg County Sportsplex in Matthews; Matthews, NC 110: 00 Pmmonterey Bay FC (USLC) against El Farolito (NPSL) Cardinale Stadium; Seaside, California 110: 30 PMAV Alta FC (USLL1) against Lafc2 (NP) Lancaster Memorial Stadium; Lancaster, California. 10:30 p.m. PMLOUDOUN UNITED FC (USLC) against Virginia Dream FC (USASA) SEGRA FIELD; Leesburg, go. April 26 26:30 PMPortland Hearts of Pine (USLL1) against Hartford Athletic (USLC) Franklin Athletic Complex; Lewiston, me. April 27 PMWESTCHESTER SC (USLL1) against NY PANCYPRIAN FREDOMS (USASA) The stadium at the Memorial Field; MT. Vernon, ny April 27 PMChattanoGA FC (NP) against Chattanooga Red Wolves SC (USLL1) Finley Stadium; Chattanooga, Tennessee April 27 PMGREENVILLE Triumph (USLL1) against One Knoxville SC (USLL1) Paladin Stadium at Furman University; Greenville, SC April 27:30 PMFC Naples (USLL1) against Little Rock Rangers (USLL2) Paradise Coast Sports Complex; Naples, Florida April 27. 30 PMFORWARD Madison FC (USLL1) against FC Tulsa (USLC) Breese Stevens Field; Madison, WISC. April 28 30 pmdes monks threat (USLL2) against Flatirons FC (USLL2) / Union Omaha (USLL1) Winnervalley Stadium; West of the Moines, Iowa April 210 PMTACOMA DEFIANCE (NP) against Spokane Velocity FC (USLL1) Starfire Sports Complex; Tukwila, Washington 210: 30 pmventura County FC (NP) against El Paso Locomotive (USLC) Dignity Health Sports Park & Field Stadium; Carson, California.
Couples of the second round were made on a geographical basis. If three or more teams came from the same proximity, matches for these teams were made by random selection. The cases where a logical geographic adjustment did not exist was resolved by a random selection. The home teams for each round are determined by a random selection among those applying to the host.
The winners of the second round will pass in the third round (April 15 to 16), where they will be opposed to 16 professional teams from Division II of the USL championship.
About the Lamar Hunt US Open Cup
Now in its 110th edition, the Lamar Hunt US Open Cup has crowned an American national football champion since 1914. The tournament filled with history is organized on a trigger basis in a match and is open to professional and amateur teams affiliated with American football. In 1999, the oldest national football competition in progress in the United States was renamed to honor the American football pioneer Lamar Hunt.
The US Open Cup 2025 winner will win a place in the CONCACAF 2026 Champions Cup and will have its name on the Dewar Challenge trophy one of the oldest trophies contested at the national level of American team sports now in permanent exhibition at the National Soccer Hall of Fame in Frisco, Texas. The 2025 tournament includes a total bag worth $ 1 million which includes a price of $ 600,000 for the champion.
Los Angeles Football Club of MLS is the defending champion. The 109th edition of the tournament ended on September 25, 2024, with the LAFC beating four times champions sporting Kansas City 3-1 at BMO Stadium in Los Angeles to become the open cup champion for the first time.
The official site of Lamar Hunt US Open Cup Fans can also follow the ONX / Twitterandinstagram @ OpenCup and Facebook @ officialdopencup competition.
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