The happiest country tower list for running for eight years -but where is England?

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According to the Rhys Williams report of ITV News, the UK sank low in the World Happiness Report.
Finland has been named the happiest country in the world for eight consecutive years, but the prospects of other regions in Europe were not so clear.
According to this year's World Happiness Report, British happiness has subsided to the lowest level since 2017 and ranked 23rd in the list. And after the first top 20 last year, the United States ranked 24th.
The authors of this report said that if they reduce their happiness and social trust in the United States, the United Kingdom and other regions, they contributed greatly to the rise of political polarization and the voting for the “system” greatly contributed.
This report provides information about voting data for people in 140 countries. The country is ranked in happiness based on the average life expectancy over the previous year, in which case 2022-2024.
The survey requests each participant to score the entire life, and the ranking is based on the perception of such life evaluation, GDP, social support, healthy life expectancy, freedom, generosity and corruption.
Nordic countries generally take this list, and 2025 is no exception. Finland, Denmark, Iceland and Sweden remain in the top four countries, as in 2024, and Norway ranked seventh.
“Nordic countries like Finnish are universally available and continue to benefit from high-quality health, education and social support systems.
Experts also point out the social culture and less material thinking that is kind and trusted in Finland's happiness.
Du Latin America was also ranked for the first time, Costa Rica ranked 6th and Mexico 10th.
Ron-Levey said both residents of the two countries have strong support networks, economic directions, and strong perceptions of trust in leaders and institutions.
This report emphasizes the importance of caring and sharing with others for the happiness of people. The polls found that they gave money to charity and volunteered, and found that strangers became happier and made their society happier.
It is called charity in the report that individuals help each other in society and help others to help them.
The report has a big impact on politics in a country, and most of them have populism due to misery. The authors argue that the decrease in life satisfaction will explain the overall increase in populist votes.
Among the unhappy people who are attracted to the extremes of the political spectrum, those who do not trust others are more often found on the right, while painful people tend to vote the left far.
At the bottom of the list was Afghanistan, which has been in place since last year, including Sierra Leon, Lebanon, Malawi and Zimbabwe.
See the top 20 countries in order.
1. Finland
2. Denmark
3. Iceland
4. Sweden
5. Dutch
6. Costa Rica
7. Norway
8. Israel
9. Luxembourg
10. Mexico
11. Australia
12. New Zealand
13. Swiss
14. Belgium
15. Ireland
16. Lithuania
17. Austria
18. Canada
19. Slovenia
20. Czech Republic
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