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The salary you need to be considered a middle class in each American state

The salary you need to be considered a middle class in each American state



A six -digit household income does not necessarily make you rich in many cases, it simply means that you are the middle class.

The upper limit of what is considered to be a middle class for households exceeds $ 100,000 in each American state, according to a smartasset analysis of the 2023 income data, the most recent available from the US Census Bureau.

The report, which hung the figures for the 50 states, is based on the definition of Pew Research of the middle class: two thirds to double the median income of households.

On this measure, the Massachusetts has the highest threshold for middle class wages, exceeding New Jersey from last year's ranking. A household needs between $ 66,565 and $ 199,716 to be considered as the middle class, the upper limit increasing by almost $ 11,000 compared to the previous report.

A six -digit income does not go as far as before

Even if more and more households earn six -digit wages, many middle -class employees feel the pressure. While wages adjusted to inflation have increased since 2022, these gains have been largely offset by increasing the costs since the start of the COVVI-19 pandemic in 2020.

Housing and food, especially, have become more expensive. From January 2020 to December 2024, house prices climbed by 52%, according to the national index of national prices of case houses, while food prices increased by 30%, based on data from the consumer price index. During the same period, overall inflation increased by 25%.

The cost increase helps to explain why two -thirds of the Americans in the middle class declared that they had trouble financially and did not expect their situation to improve in a 2024 National True Cost of Living Coalition investigation.

Since then, inflation from one year to the next has oscillated at around 3%, still above the target of 2%of the federal reserve, but well below its peak of June 2022 by 9.1%. But although price increases have slowed down, the cumulative effect of recent years has eroded many Americans. Consequently, a six -digit income may not stretch as it did once.

Below, see what is considered the middle class in your condition.

ALABAMALOW End of the middle class: $ 41,471 End of the middle class: $ 124,424 Medidian household income: $ 62,212 Alaskalow End of the MIDE class: 57,748 $ HIGH End of the middle class: $ 173,262 Household income: $ 86,631 Revenue: $ 77,315 Adcore the middle class Adcore. $ End of the middle class: $ 117,400 Household incomes: $ 58,700 Californialow End of the middle class: $ 63,674 End of the middle class: $ 191,042 Household income: 95.521 Colorado-solar End of the middle class: $ 61.934 Class: $ 185,822 MEDIDNIAN MEDIBLE Revenues: $ 92,911 End of the middle class: $ 61,104 High End of the middle class: $ 18,3330 Household income: 91,665delawareload end of the middle class: 54.235 High END in the middle class: 162.72222220 48 869 $ High High End of the middle class: 146,622 $ Household Revenues: $ 73 311 Average class: $ 49,750 End of the middle class: $ 149,264 Household income: $ 74,632 Hawaiilow End of the middle class: $ 63.542 95,32222aidaholow End of the middle class: $ 49,956 End of the middle class: 149,884 $ Revenues Households: 74,942 Illuminous end of the middle class: 53 532 $ High end of the middle class: $ 160,612 Household income: $ 80.306 End of the middle class of the middle class: $ 46,313 $ 138,954 Medical household income: 69,477777iowalow end of the middle class: 47,617 $ end of the middle class: 142,866 $ Cleaning: 71,433 Kansaslow end of the middle class: 46 $ 884 High End of Middle Class 40,741 $ End of the middle class: $ 122,236 Medidian household income: 6111818LisianAlow End of the middle class: $ 38,815 End of the middle class: 116,458 $ Household income: $ 58229 MAINTLOW End of the medice: 49,150 $ 147.46666 Reform of the hub 73,733333337slandais end of the middle class: $ 65,779 End of the middle class: $ 19,56 Housewives: $ 98,678 Massachusettslow End of the middle class: $ 66,565 End of the middle class: 199,716 $ Cleaning: 99.858 Michighigan Average: 46.117Hig End of of 138 366 $ Medidian household income: 69,183 Minesotalow End of the middle class: $ 56,718 End of the middle class: $ 1,70172 Household income: 85,086 Mississippilow End of the middle class: 36.132 High End of Middle Clom 45 692 Average: 137,090 $ median household income: 68,545 final monsanal of the middle class: $ 4,7198 End of the middle class: $ 141,608 household income: $ 70,804 Nebraskalow end of the middle class: 49.7222 High end 74,590 Nevadalow End of the middle class: $ 50,904 End of the middle class: $ 152,728 Revenues Medidian households: $ 76,364 New Hampshirelow End of the MIDE class: $ 64,552 End of the middle class: $ 193,676 Medical Revenue Middle class: $ 199,562 Medidian household income: $ 99,781 New Mexicolow End of the middle class: $ 41,508 End of the middle class: 124,536 $ $ 47 198 $ High End of the middle class: $ 141,608 Medidian household income: $ 70,804 North Dakotalow End of the middle class: $ 51,012 High end of the middle class: $ 153,050 Médice Moyal 67,769 $ Oklahomalow End of the middle class: $ 41,421 Housewives: $ 62,138 $ 147,648 Médidian households: 73,824RH ISLANDLOW End of the middle class: $ 56,642 End of the middle class: $ 169,944 Household income: 84,972 SOUTH Carolinal End of the middle class: 45.198 HIGH END OF MIDDLE: 135.608DMEDIAN $ 869 High end of the middle class: $ 143,620 Household income: $ 71,810 End of the middle class: $ 45,083 End of the middle class: $ 135,262 Household income: 67,6311 Texaslow End of the middle class: $ 50,515 $ 75,780 $ End of the middle class: $ 62,274 Medical households: $ 93,421 Vermontlow End of the middle class: $ 54.135 End of the middle class: $ 162.422 Revenues households: 81,211 Virginowow late 179,862 medical household income: $ 89,931 Washingtonlow End of the middle class: $ 63,064 High high class: $ Household income: 94,605West Virginialow End of the middle class: $ 37,295 High End of Middle Class 49,749 End of the middle class: $ 149,262 Medidian household income: $ 74,631 towards the end of the middle class: 48,272 $ High High end of the middle class: $ 144,830 Clean income: 72,415 $

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