We to import eggs from turkey and South Korea to reduce prices

The Trump administration plans to import eggs from Turkey and South Korea and is in talks with other countries in the hope of relieving prices of all time for the American consumer, managers confirmed.
“We are talking in hundreds of millions of short -term eggs,” journalists at the White House, agriculture secretary, Brooke Rollins in the White House, told the White House.
It follows the announcement by the administration of a plan of $ 1 billion (792 million) to fight against an epidemic of flu birds that rage which forced American farmers to reduce tens of millions of chickens.
Despite the promise of President Trump's campaign to reduce prices, the cost of eggs has increased by more than 65% in the past year, and it is expected to increase by 41% in 2025.
Rollins said that his department was also in talks with other countries to guarantee new supplies, but did not specify what regions.
“When our chicken populations are repopulated and we have a full laying industry, let's hope, in a few months, we then return to our internal egg layers and move these eggs to the shelf,” she said.
Polish and Lithuanian poultry associations said on Friday that they had also been approached by American embassies concerning possible egg exports, AFP reported.
“In February, the American Embassy of Warsaw asked our organization if Poland would be interested in exporting eggs to the American market,” Katarzyn Gawronska, director of the National Poultry and Flow, told the news agency Katarzyn Gawronska.
In February, the US Department of Agriculture unveiled a five billion dollars plan in five points to tackle egg prices, with a budget of $ 500 million for biosecurity measures, around $ 100 million for vaccine research and development and $ 400 million for farmers' financial rescue programs.
The Trump administration said that it would provide commercial egg farms free of charge with best practices and advisory services, and would pay up to 75% of the costs of combating vulnerabilities in order to prevent the spread of the bird flu.
“Our plan was to invest an important sum of money to make audits across the country so that the USDA helps these stereoty companies to secure their barns,” said Rollins. “… and since we started to do it more recently, we have experienced a significant drop in the flu flu.”
Although avian flu, or H5N1, circulated among the herds of American poultry for years, an epidemic starting in 2022 has wreaked havoc in farms, killing more than 156 million birds and sending prices for arrow eggs.
Egg prices have become a rallying point for Trump during the presidential race last year when he sought to capitalize on the frustrations of voters with regard to the increase in the cost of essential articles.
During his speech at the US Congress at the beginning of the month, he blamed the outbreak of egg prices to his predecessor Joe Biden.
“Joe Biden in particular left the price of eggs becoming uncontrollable-and we work hard to bring him back,” he added.
Egg prices have increased while Biden administration ordered millions of egg birds last year in the middle of a bird flu epidemic, although prices have continued to increase during the first stages of the second presidency of Trump.
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