The United Kingdom and Germany warn travelers head for the United States
That knowing about the prohibitions of traveling and which could affect
Immigration law allows presidents to restrict trips to the United States, but the prohibitions by President Donald Trump have been more radical than previous presidents.
The United Kingdom and Germany have updated travel opinions to warn citizens that a visa or ESTA authorization does not guarantee entry into the United States, warnings follow the reports of European travelers or refuse entry to the American borders, despite the holding of valid travel documents.
While the United States tightens the application of immigration under President Donald Trump, the United Kingdom and Germany have updated its travel opinions to warn citizens that the holding of a valid visa or ESTA authorization does not guarantee entry into the country.
The updated directives follow a series of prisoners involving European travelers who have been denied entry to American borders, some have even arrested or owned before being returned home. Among the incidents, two German nationals were arrested on the southern border earlier this week.
The Germans Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that he was investigating one of the cases and involved his consulate in Boston to help one of the still affected people.
The final decision to find out if a person can enter the United States lies in the American border authorities, said a spokesperson for the Germans Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The opinion pointed out that false information, previous judicial lockers or even minor overruns during previous trips could cause arrest, expulsion or legal without legal.
Great Britain has issued a similar warning. In its revised travel advice, the UK Foreign Office now warns: you may be required to stop or detention if you break the rules.
Warnings are involved in the midst of an increasing concern in Europe regarding job decrees focusing on stricter visa screening, the application of borders and immigration repression. A Canadian and a British artist also said that he had been recently detained, drawing more attention to the increasingly rigid position of the USS with entrance ports.
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Despite the valid travel documents, travelers remember that border agents have the last word and be repressed is a real possibility.
The Germans Ministry of Foreign Affairs advises travelers to transport documents showing their return plans and are preparing to question the border. Travelers who encounter problems are invited to contact the American Department of Internal Security on their return.
The US State Department said it would apply visa rules and other entry conditions.
Denmark, Finland gives an opinion for transgender travelers in the United States
The concerns are also developed beyond border protocols. Newsweek first reported that Denmark and Finland also revised their travel opinions specifically for transgender and non -binary travelers.
Citing the refusal of American governments to recognize gender markers beyond men or women, the two countries warn that travelers with a gender marker X or a gap between the sex of passports and sexual relations at birth can be refused entry. The change follows it on decrees in the process of being reduced to rights for transgender and non -binary people.
These changes also resonate with LGBTQ + communities based in the United States, where many trans and non-binary travelers say they are now feeling trapped in the United States, fearing ill-treatment or the back-to-school denial if they travel abroad. Advocacy groups urged lighter advice from the American government in the midst of an increasing feeling of uncertainty for marginalized travelers.
It remains to be seen that these warnings will have an impact on tourism or arouse a change in American policy.
Contribution: Reuters
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