How to avoid digital services based on the United States and why may you want

Application requests for Apple, Google and Meta user data means that these companies can decide whether government authorities have access to your personal information, including location data. This means that companies with the most knowledge of our lives, movements and communications are front line arbitrators of our constitutional rights and the rights of non -American citizenship.
The collaboration between Big Tech and the Trump administration started before Donald Trumps served on January 20. Amazon, Meta, Google, Microsoft and Uber have each given $ 1 million at the inauguration of Trumps. In addition, in personal donations, the meta-PDG Mark Zuckerberg and the Tim Cook apples also did.
Americans concerned about the Trump administration and the silicon valleys adopt it can consider becoming a digital expatriate in your digital life on systems based in the United States. Meanwhile, Europeans are starting to see American data services as no longer sure for businesses, governments and companies.
Here is a brief overview of questions of confidentiality, security and civil freedoms linked to the use of digital services based in the United States which suddenly feel more urgent and what to do on this subject.
In anticipation of the inauguration of Trumps, Facebook, Instagram and Threads, meta-constituted, have made drastic political changes by invoking alignment with the values of the Trump administration, to allow the speech of hatred and the abuses on subjects such as immigration and gender. Meta also pointed out her allegiance by abandoning her target frequent from the facts of ire Magi World. Two days after the inauguration, Meta discreetly deployed pro-life moderation actions by the abolition of the post-umpression and account suspensions. Zuckerberg explained the new management of the company to staff, saying: We now have the opportunity to have a productive partnership with the US government.
Meta did not immediately respond to our request for comments regarding its partnership, its sharing of data or the policy changes.
Google followed suit. The company has changed its cards and research results to rename part of the world of the Gulf of Mexico, an executive decree of Trump reversing it the Gulf of America, despite the United States which demanded control of less than 50% of the Gulf. Apple and Microsoft also followed the order of Trumps.
Googles Consumer Products has also received a band of updates in accordance with the new administration, including other changes in cards, calendar and research. Then Google deleted the new prohibited administrations from its Google Health product. Then, he made a proposal on his public promise not to build fire-artified AI tools, such as Project Dragonfly, which was discovered in 2018 to adapt the whole Google platform to allow the aggressive repression of Chinas against its citizens. When contacted to comment, Google did not immediately respond.
The alignment of large technologies on Trump administration is important because its commercial models are based on monitoring and amazing our personal data. Meta, Google, Apple and other large technological companies are among the guardians between confidentiality and government data requests. Even when technological companies have to comply with the law, they are often still free to decide on the amount of information they collect about people and data duration.
Government documents
Current American laws concerning technology, privacy and government demands have been guided by pumpers such as fourth and fifth amendments, decisions of American courts and the will of technological companies to question the opinion of federal governments that it has the right to access our personal information and location data. Apple, Google and Meta each have a language on requests for law application of the law which give the impression that they have their backs in terms of overcoming. From now on, with companies that shape certain policies, tools and practices in pursuing a partnership with the Trump administration, these companies fuel our data on a new orientation.
Generally, the police can oblige American companies to hand over user data using a summons, a court order, a search guarantor, in rarer cases, a national security letter (NSL). As Google explains, an NSL is one of the authorities granted under Foreign Intelligence Act (FISA). Google adds, FISA orders and authorizations can be used to oblige electronic surveillance and disclosure of stored data, including service content such as Gmail, Drive and Photos. The way companies respond to these requests may vary substantially.
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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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