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The United States blocks Canadian access to the cross-border library, triggering the outcry | US News

The United States blocks Canadian access to the cross-border library, triggering the outcry | US News



The United States has blocked Canadian access to a Library straddling the Canadian American border, attracting criticism from a Quebec city where people have long enjoyed an easy entry into space.

The library and opera free haskell is located between Stanstead, Quebec and Derby Line, Vermont. It was deliberately built to overlap the border between the two countries a symbol of cooperation and friendship between Canada and the United States.

The entrance to the libraries is on the side of the Vermont. Previously, Canadian visitors were able to enter using the sidewalk and the entrance to the American side, but were encouraged to provide documentation, according to the library website.

Inside, an electric tape line delimits the international border. About 60% of the building, including books, is located in Canada. Upstairs, in the opera, the public is in the United States while artists are in Canada.

Under new rules, Canadians will have to go through an official border crossing before entering the library.

This closure not only compromises Canadian visitors access to a historic symbol of cooperation and harmony between the two countries, but also weakens the spirit of cross -border collaboration which defines this emblematic location, the city of Stanstead said on Thursday in a press release.

Map of the demarcation of the borders of the United States-Canada to the library

Customs and the protection of American borders did not immediately respond to requests posed on Friday.

In a statement to Reuters, a spokesman for the Ministry of Internal Security said that the United States responded to drug trafficking.

Drug traffickers and smugglers operated the fact that Canadians could use the American entrance without passing customs. We finish such exploitation with criminals and protecting the Americans, according to the press release.

The ministry has provided no evidence of drug or smuggling traffic and did not immediately respond to an additional information request.

In 2018, a Quebec man named Alexis Vlachos pleaded guilty to a Vermont court to accusations relating to a conspiracy to use the library to pass backpack bags in Canada at least two times. He was then sentenced to 51 months in an American prison.

Relations between the United States and Canada, long-standing allies have deteriorated since Donald Trump threatened to annex Canada as a 51st state and price imposed.

The library is a relic of an era when Americans and Canadians could cross the border with simply a sign of head and a wave among border agents, according to residents. It was the gift of a local family in the early 1900s to serve neighboring Canadian and American communities.

A small group of American and Canadian demonstrators gathered outside on Friday.

Peter Welch, a Democratic Senator of Vermont, described the disturbing closure reports.

Vermont loves Canada. This shared cultural institution celebrates a partnership between our two nations, said Welch on X.




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