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See the entire list of UKS's best places called Saffron Walden.

See the entire list of UKS's best places called Saffron Walden.



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Saffron Walden's ESSEX Market Town was selected as the best place to live in England in the best live guide in the Sunday Times annual live guide.

The judge praised the village's “rust” appearance and compared the market with the market found in southern France.

The guide, which will be published on Sundays, considered a variety of factors from schools and transportation to the health of broadband speeds, culture, green spaces and high street.

According to the Judging Committee, the appeal of Saffron Walden is a combination of convenient commute to London, Cambridge, high -performance state school, and prosperous cultural scenes.

The city also boasts a fast -growing “gourmet scene” and active high street, and successfully combines chain stores with independent business.

The guide pointed out that locals compare the Saturday market of Saffron Walden with the market found in southern France.

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Saffan Walden's legend garden

Helen Davies, editor of BEST to Live, said: It's easy to be overwhelmed by everything in the world, but it's too much to celebrate as we get closer to home. From daily small gestures, such as daily motives to bloom into daffodil and volunteer operating dementia cafes, from repair cafés to new railway stations, from a more initiative.

The judges found a prosperous place with a strong community sense rather than a famous name with high housing prices.

The location of this year's list is provided in all shapes and sizes, from the Tiree Island of Scotland and the remote Welsh village of MAENCLOCHOG to the suburbs of large cities such as London, Leeds and Liverpool.

Davies added: High housing prices are not barriers to cover as long as they provide value for money. Others will be looking for other qualities when choosing a place to live.

What we have in common in all places we chose is that we are proud to call them home.

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Snow drop of Audley End Garden of Safffron Walden (PA Archive)

Regional winners were also selected (location was in the order of alphabetical and is not ranked).

East: Chelmsford, ESSEX

The judge praised the school with the school.

London: Walthamstow

Walthamstow was described as a variety of lively and cool and cool without frost by judges.

Midland: ILININGTON, Warwickshire

Located at the edge of Cotzworld, ILmington was described by judges as a happy example of village life.

North and northeast: ILKLEY, West Yorkshire

The community's sports and cultural opportunities for young people have been impressed by the judges.

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Dundrum Castle of Co Downn

North Ireland: Dundrum, Co Down

Dundrum's environment is depicted in magic with strong food scenes and winding sounds.

North West: WOOLTON, Liverpool

The judges described it as a good family -friendly place to take root with excellent schools, parks, even forest patches.

Scotland: North Burwick

North Berwick was selected as the best place to live in the UK in 2024 and was the highest in Scotland this year due to beaches, high -quality schools and thriving independent businesses.

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North Burwick's view of the North Burwick Act

Southeast: Peters Field, Hampshire

Judges are always happening at Petersfields historical distances and are facing the background of the South Downs Countryside.

South West: Chu Valley, Summer Set

The judge said that the area is a rural epic and is the home of impressive choices for future -oriented and sustainable rural businesses.

Wales: GOWER Peninsula, Swanji

The judges were impressed by the cool, creative and sustainable independent business that popped out of the village and villages in the Wider Corner of the Peninsula.




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