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British PUNK ROCK BAND UK Subs members refused to enter the United States | American immigration

British PUNK ROCK BAND UK Subs members refused to enter the United States | American immigration



Members of the punk rock band UK Subs said the band itself was rejected and detained in the United States.

Bassist Alvin Gibbs shared the details of the case on Wednesday, Wednesday, which comes through a wide range of reports on those who enter the United States, including French scientists, who are forbidden because of their opposition to Donald Trump.

GIBBS was expelled to the UK after detention with the bandmate Marc Carrey and Stefan Hublein. Only vocal Charlie Harper was able to enter. Harper played a band's scheduled show with the stands, the musicians in Los Angeles.

He talked with his partner and talked about how he questioned after he was reported after arriving at Los Angeles Airport. He informed the reason why the flagging was two. First, he heard that the visa was wrong, but he also heard that there is another reason for agents that they do not disclose him.

I can't wonder if I'm less flattering than my frequent and flattery about the president and his executive.

The band, which is considered a pioneer in the genre of British punk rock, was critical of the past Trump and his policies. They are often known to make political statements during live performances.

Gibbs said it was not comfortable afterwards. Two police officers have guided me to another area of ​​Lax, and Stefan and Mark have already found that they have already been detained in Cold Hold Pen with Colombia, Chinese and Mexican prisoners. Baggage, telephone and passports were confiscated.

He first explained how he asked for a second interview at 4 am a few hours after landing at 7 pm.

Gibbs said his partner was finally waiting for 25 hours to be released from detention. When we received an escort on the plane at 8 pm the next day, I did not sleep all day and survived with pot noodles and a cup of tea.

He expressed his slogan that he could enter the Harper Guy country and perform a scheduled show, but Gibbs does not try to return to the United States. He seems to have ended in a near future relationship with this country.

The experience of a British sub member is the latest people of long people who have experienced detention and deportation for a long time when they entered the United States, and accidents are recognized as a visa problem that is often ambiguous or unspecified.

Similar to the British sub, the French researcher was denied entering the United States earlier this month after finding a message that the immigration book searched for calls and criticized the Trump administration at the airport earlier this month.

Philippe Baptiste, Minister of Francis Higher Education and Research, said in response to the news: the US authorities were taken by US authorities.

The article was revised on March 21, 2025 and modified the spelling of the Alvin Gibbss name.




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