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BREXIT 4 years after the worst British medical lack of core elements | health

BREXIT 4 years after the worst British medical lack of core elements | health



British drug shortages have risen to the worst level for four years, and the official figure is the main reason for rarely brexit drugs.

The pharmaceutical company has informed the Ministry of Health, Social and Welfare (DHSC) about the interruption of 1,938 times since 1,967 in 2021.

Drugs that treat epilepsy and cystic fibrosis are considered to be difficult or impossible for pharmacists to withheld, causing risks for the patient's health.

This figure appeared in the new report of Nuffield Trust Health Thinktank and supervised the possibility of use of drugs throughout the UK under the Free Law of Information from DHSC.

Since 2021, the supply was reduced to 1,608 in 2022 and 1,634 in 2023, but suddenly the shot was suddenly 1,938 last year.

Mark Dayan, a policy analyst and BREXIT program manager of Nuffield Trust: said: This lack of medicine is already having a hard time finding drugs needed for conditions such as epilepsy and cystic fibrosis. I am very worried that it seems to roll up entirely in the third year.

According to the report, in recent years, drug shortages have become a problem worldwide, but Britain is facing a worsening situation compared to other regions in Europe due to BREXIT.

There is a shortage of medical shortages that are increasing and problematic without consistent improvement. The UK added the lowest income in G7 countries due to the decrease in EU imports, Thinktank added.

The UN trade data analyzed by Dayan and his colleagues shows that the UK's imports of drugs in G7 countries have been the lowest since 2010.

Total value [of imports] The report has declined almost 20% since 2015, before the EU referendum, and it has been found to indicate how the pharmaceutical supply chain has changed in the UK in cash terms.

HM revenue and tariff data have been reduced. [in imports] The new trade barrier associated with BREXIT is probably the description, and we are clearly focusing on the import of the EU.

In addition, 27 EUs, Norwegians, Iceland and Liechtenstein, 27 European Economics in the UK, reached one -third of the 2016 British voting to leave the EU in 2016.

The National Pharmacy Association expressed an alarm early this month about the growing medical supply crisis. All 500 pharmacies surveyed said they could not use the drug at least once a day because they could not use the drug.

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Nick Kaye, the chairman of the NPAS, said that the pharmacy lacks a rapid drug shortage, often worrying, frustrated, and sometimes an angry patient.

He urged ministers to provide patients with safe alternatives if they could not use general drugs to patients. He added that it is particularly disappointing that the pharmacist cannot meet the clear needs when the pharmacy has a completely safe and effective solution for the pharmacy.

DAYAN warned that as the EU shared the supply and took joint measures to reduce the lack of drugs by increasing domestic production, we warned that there is a risk of missing the EU as the EU discloses a big plan to protect its own supply.

Brexit seems to have pushed us in the European supply chain.

A spokesman for DHSC said: The government has inherited continuous global supply, but has strong measures to alleviate the patient's confusion. We are strengthening domestic elasticity by investing up to 520m to manufacture more pharmaceuticals, diagnosis and medical technology in the UK.

We also work closely with international partners to cut red tapes and strengthen supply chains to develop the life science sector by closely cooperating with NHS, regulators and other major partners.




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