On the American automotive market, uncertainty reigns over the potential impact of Trump's pricing war

LOS Angeles – With a 25% price on imported vehicles and vehicle parts from Canada and Mexico which should come into force on April 2 as part of President Trump's commercial wars, car buyers are not sure to buy or risk higher prices later.
Even after 20 years of sale of cars, the director general Brandon Wishengrad cannot still predict how the imminent rates will have an impact on the prices of the Nissan dealer in his family in Los Angeles.
Wishengrad admits that he does not know what to say to customers to find out if prices could change.
“It's hard to say,” said Wishengrad. “For the moment, I think we know as much as anyone else.”
The average cost of a new car could go from $ 3,500 to $ 10,000 if the prices take effect, according to estimates by Anderson's economic group. This potential increase also depends on the origin of the parts.
Jessica Caldwell, responsible for ideas at Edmunds, says it is a calculation sheet nightmare.
“Many vehicles are funded in the United States, but obtain engines, transmissions from Mexico and Canada,” said Caldwell. “… If you look throughout the industry, there is nothing at 100% American.”
Trump's 25% tariffs entered into force on March 4, but a day later, he published a suspended sentence for car manufacturers of a month after talking to the leaders of the three major car manufacturers: Ford, General Motors and Stellantis. Then on March 6, he also paused until April 2 on all imports of Canada and Mexico which are covered by the American-mexico-Canada agreement.
Caldwell says that she suspects that in “many cases”, the Automakers probably do not know what prices will cost them.
“Especially things like, if a part crosses the border eight times,” added Caldwell.
She notes that even if car manufacturers “can build factories here in the United States, it will just take time.”
In the meantime, Caldwell says that anyone driving a car should prepare to pay more. “It is not only people who buy vehicles, I think anyone must repair his vehicle or simply serve his vehicle will also undergo higher costs,” said Caldwell.
Regarding new cars, Caldwell thinks that incentives for buyers and other discounts will be among the first to disappear. “So if someone is looking to buy a new vehicle in the coming months, I would probably say doing it as soon as possible,” said Caldwell. “We do not know if the prices will finally pass, but if you cannot afford to take this bet, I think it is probably better to make a mistake of caution.”
Wishengrad is appropriate that the back and forth concerning the trade war has become a white noise for consumers.
“I think yes, in the end, you know, people are starting to settle this.”
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