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Government that considers sending an exile applicant who failed to overseas 'immigration hub' | British news

Government that considers sending an exile applicant who failed to overseas 'immigration hub' | British news



Sky News is considering sending an exile applicant who has failed the exile, including those who arrived on a small boat, to the 'migration hub' abroad, Sky News understands.

Home office sources tell Amanda Akass, a political correspondent, that the government is in the “very early stage” of the debate about ideas, and wants to learn what Italy did in Albania.

The right wing Italian government has built two facilities with the goal of maintaining immigrants while handling the Balkans' request for asylum.

According to government sources, British ministers told the Times newspaper that they plan to approach the western Balkan Peninsula, including Albania, Serbia, Bosnia and North Macedonia.

Analysis: 'Migration Hub' plan will be an alarm species.

Many immigrants who arrive at Kent's Dover on Saturday come when they take pictures.

On Friday, 246 people traveled across the waterway with five boats in France, and so far, 5,271 have brought the total amount of the year.

Thursday, 341 people crossed from 6 boats.

Since the data of the channel cross data was first reported in 2018, the intersection reached 5,000 points.

The strategy of labor is expected to be substantially different from the previous Tory government's plan to expel all immigrants who illegally arrive in the UK, regardless of whether the request for asylum is successful.

Image: PIC: PA

The Supreme Court ruled in 2023 that Rwanda was regarded as “not safe”.

Amanda Akass said home office sauce said, “We will not tell which country is considering because it does not preoccupy discussions that have not been officially started.”

“But I heard that the government is closely seeing the case of Italy, which has a treaty with Albania, and their arguments are being handled while building two detention centers in Albania and accepting asylum applicants.”

AKASS pointed out that there was a legal problem with the transaction:

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1:40 within the Albanian immigration center in Italy

More details of SKY NEWS: Do more people cross the channel on the weekend?

Last week, the European Union announced that it was proposed to allow member states to install the return hub.

The plan was approved by the UN's International Organization for Migration and “advises and supports the state of the design and operation of innovative profit policy in accordance with Europe and international law.”

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The UK signed a contract with France earlier this month to aim to strengthen cooperation to deal with people who smuggle across the channel.

The government's new border security, asylum, and immigration bills will also continue to plan to establish a new crime crime through parliament and to crack down on those who smuggle the gangs to police and executive agencies.

Chris Philp, a shadow home assistant, said:

“But the tragedy will take some time to do this, and tens of thousands of illegal immigrants have been poured into this country, spending billions of dollars in British taxpayers and mocking border security.

“The fact that they are now looking abroad shows that it is wrong to cancel Rwanda before Rwanda begins, and it has failed to try to break the gang.

“In fact, illegal immigrants crossing the channel increased 28% after the election, and this year it was the worst. Labor lost control of our border. They should start urgently.”

Liberal Democratic leader Eddavy said that the number of people crossing the channel said, “I'm really worried.”

He said:

“In fact, nobody has gone, a lot of money, if they have a better plan, we will see it.

“But they also had to do some different things: there are too many hotels used because people are not handled enough, and the Liberal Democratic Party insisted that if they handle people for a long time, they can actually contribute to the right to work.

“This is the way you can save a lot of money and I think taxpayers will support it.”

The government was contacted for further opinions.




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