Cancer caused by HPV is increasing in some women in the United States. Is the HPV vaccine sure?

Cervical cancer is one of the most avoidable cancers, although recent research suggests that the United States is back in efforts to detect the disease early, when it is the most responsible.
A new study shows that the percentage of women projected for cervical cancer rose from 47% in 2019 to 41% in 2023.
Rural women are 25% more likely to be diagnosed and 42% more likely to die of cervical cancer than women living in cities, a trend that probably reflects lower screening rates in less populated areas, according to the study, published in Jama Network Open this month.
Each year, 13,000 women in the United States receive a diagnosis of cervical cancer, which is almost always caused by HPV or human papillomavirus. According to the American Cancer Society, around 4,320 die each year.
The cervical cancer rates increased upwards in women in the thirties and at the start of the forties, perhaps because women aged 21 to 29 are the least likely to be up to date on their projections, 29% being late.
Cervical cancer takes several years to develop, by progressing abnormal cell changes and meadows before turning into cancer. Studies show that women are also less likely to be detected if they are not white, not guaranteed or identify as gays, lesbians or bisexuals.
VPH vaccines are safe and can prevent 90% of cervical cancers. However, the resistance to the vaccine, which protects from the cancer strains of sexually transmitted infection, has persisted since it was approved almost 20 years ago. The Secretary of Health, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., denigrated them as dangerous, connecting HPV shots to autoimmune conditions and mental illness.
A federal judge in North Carolina on March 10, rejected legal allegations that the HPV shooting, sold by Merck as Gardasil, could lead patients to develop certain health conditions.
Another alleging trial that Gardasil causes serious side effects has been suspended until September due to Kennedys' participation in the case. Although Kennedy revealed in a statement of ethics that he wanted to receive reference costs from one of the law firms pursuing Merck, he later declared that he would give his son earnings.
The hesitation in the vaccine prevented many parents from vaccinating their children. Only 61% of adolescents are up to date on all vaccines against HPV, given in series of two or three shots depending on the age.
In the United States, more than 42 million people have at least one GTPH strain that can cause diseases, including genital warts or cancer, and 47.00 per year are diagnosed with a malignant tumor linked to HPV. However, research has found a drop in consciousness that HPV is linked to a number of cancers, including cervical, throat and anal.
With so many people at risk, we asked experts to help eliminate confusion on vaccination and HPV screening.
How often should women be projected for cervical cancer?
The American Cancer Society recommends that people will pass a primary HPV test every five years from 25 to 65 years. If the primary HPV tests are not available, the company recommends combining an HPV test with an PAP test every five years or a PAP test alone every three years
How did HPV vaccines affect the cervical cancer levels and to prepare?
Among women aged 20 to 24 who were eligible for HPV fires as adolescents, the impact of the pre -speaking preparter dropped from almost 80% from 2008 to 2002, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The incidence of cervix cancer dropped from 65% from 2012 to 2019 in women under the age of 25. Mortality rates by cervical cancer among the same age group fell from 62% from 2013 to 2015 to 2019-2021.
To what extent is HPV common?
HPV is the most common sexually transmitted infection in the United States. Among sexually active people, more than 90% of men and 80% of women are infected with HPV during their lifetime. About half of HPV infections involve high -risk strains. In addition to the cervical cancer, the HPV can cause cancers of the vagina, the vulva, the anus, the penis and the head and the neck.
Given the frequency of these viruses, nobody should feel embarrassed to learn that they have a HPV, said Dr. Rebecca Perkins, an obstetrician-gynecologist and investigator of women, mother and the baby research institute at the Medical Center tuffs. We must decrease the stigma associated with a positive test, said Perkins.
What does this mean if a test shows that you have a high-risk HPV?
Although there are more than 200 types of HPV, only a few cause cancer. These types are known as high -risk strains and are included in routine cervical cancer screening because they have the highest chance of causing cancer, said Dr. Verda Hicks, immediate president of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. If a HPV test is positive for high-risk HPV, it indicates an active infection that increases the risk of developing or cancer development, Hicks said.
Does being infected with high-risk HPV gives you a high risk of cancer?
A. No. The immune system erases most HPV infections in a year or two, Hicks said. Most people with high -risk HPV experience short -term infections that cause light changes in cervical cells, which return to normal once the infection has endeavored.
Doctors are becoming more concerned if a person who is positive for high -risk HPV for more than two years, because persistent infections can lead to the development of a preparer or cancer. About 1% of people with HPV develop a long -term chronic infection and even less develop cervical cancer, Hicks said.
Women should not panic simply because they have a high -risk HPV, Hicks said. A positive test means that the screening process does its job. He identifies someone who may have a persistent infection.
Routine screening and all recommended follow -up tests allow doctors to catch these changes early, when they are easier to treat, said Perkins.
This is why it is essential not to skip checks, she said.
The more positive a person remains, the more the risk of developing cancer, said Perkins.
To what extent are high risk infections of HPVs common?
Among the women projected for the first time in their twenties and thirties, up to 20% learn that they have a high -risk HPV, said Dr. Mark Einstein, professor of obstetrics and gynecology and health of women at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine.
What should people with high risk of HPV infections?
There is no general prescription for people with high -risk HPV, said Hicks, who noted that doctors adapted their advice to each individual, according to a variety of risk factors.
While people with high-risk HPV should not panic, they should take the observation seriously, follow the advice of their doctors and attend all recommended monitoring visits, she said. These visits allow doctors to search for abnormal cells, which can be removed before turning into cancer.
Can people who have been vaccinated against HPV is still being tested positive?
Yes. This is because the original HPV shots, which were approved for children and adolescents in 2006, protected against the two most risky viral strains, which together cause 70% of cervical cancer, as well as two strains that cause genital warts. Although the first HPV vaccines were very effective, people who were vaccinated with them could be infected with one of the STP strains that cause the remaining 30% of cervical cancers, said Perkins. Updated HPV shots now protect against nine virus strains and protect against 90% of cervical and anal cancers, as well as most strains that cause mouth and throat cancers.
Can you test positive for high-risk VPH years after being infected?
Yes. A positive HPV test does not necessarily reflect a recent infection.
Although the immune system generally has a good work of controlling the HPV, the virus does not disappear from the body. HPV can sometimes reactivate, especially if an immune system for people has been subjected to stress due to a disease or certain drugs, said Perkins.
We see reactivations in women who have not been sexually active for 10 years, said Perkins. It is just a function of the virus that escapes the immune system. You should never divorce on an HPV diagnosis.
In some respects, the HPV is similar to the chickenpox virus, which can be hidden in nerve cells for decades before reactivating and causing a painful affection called zona.
It doesn't matter whether the infection is old or new; We still have to follow, said Perkins.
Is there a remedy against HPV?
There is no remedy for the virus itself. Health professionals can eliminate abnormal growth on the cervix, as well as genital warts.
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