Grassroots anger tests the grip of Nigel Farage for the UK

The BBC has made some of these criticisms to the party chairman Yu Sup.
He said Farage's reform Britain delivered “the largest political acceleration in the history of England,” and delivered “part of the two Old Testament resources.”
Yusuf, who was appointed president since last year's general election, said the party investigated thousands of people and said, “Most of them have passed.”
But some added, “I come with the territory of becoming an expert.”
Yusuf said the British screening system is “more meaningful than other parties.”
“Of course, growing on this scale will have some tooth problems,” he added.
Recent RUCTIONS seems to have been cut to the public.
According to a recent survey, the outside suggests that the outside is separated from one -third of the reformed voters who believe that the party will go better under other leaders, but it is the same as believing that the party will be worse.
The survey also suggested that the net reason for Farage's reform voters has fallen after Lowe Row.
However, the latest YOUGOV poll accounted for a 24%labor force in a 23%vote against the UK, but was 22%more than the Conservative Party.
Gawain Towler still believes in Farage's leadership, despite being fired as the head of the British press last year.
Towler recently attended several branch meetings as a speaker and said that there was little opposition.
He said that the UK won 4.1 million votes last year's election and said, “It is the army of volunteers who do not take off terrible operations and socks.”
“We must get at least 10 million people to win,” Towler said. “You will not find 6 million votes in our rights. You will get angry at soothe people who scream outside the party.”
The current focus of the party is being trained in the upcoming local elections. Andrea Jenkyns, a former Tory MP candidate in Lincolnshire, is competing for the market.
The British reform source says that internal private polls are optimistic about winning the highest elected office to date.
But in order to be a serious competitor to win the general election, the Reformed British may have to hold the grassroots more strong.
You may also have to persuade members to support the messy compromise to attract more voters.
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