The researchers say that the American government has tried to erase sexual orientation from their results
Two California researchers said on Friday that an American government's health publication asked them to delete data on the sexual orientation of a scientific manuscript that had been accepted for publication.
The researchers also said that we had said to delete the words, Cisgenre and equitable from their paper, who sought to smoke in young rural adults.
The reason given for the changes was to comply with an executive decree of President Donald Trump, researchers Tamar Antin and Rachelle Annechino said in a blog article where they included screenshots of revisions.
Instead of complying, the researchers withdrew their article from public health reports, the Official Journal of US Surgeon General and the US Public Health Service.
During his first day in power, Trump signed an executive decree ordering government agencies to withdraw the ideology of the sexes from publications. He signed other orders targeting diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives.
The researchers plan to publish their results elsewhere, said Antin at the Associated Press. In the blog post, Antin and Annechino urged other researchers to refrain from publishing in journals published by the federal government to avoid political interference.
Normally, this would never happen, said Antin, director of the Critical Public Critical Health, a research group based in California. I have never been invited to censor any publication article, and to my knowledge, none of my colleagues has never been invited to censor the words, the choice of words or to delete data from a publication in response to a White House decree. It is extremely unusual.
Screen catches in the blog post show suggested deletions of data in the straight or heterosexual, gay or lesbian, bisexual and unknown categories. A note indicates: According to the decree, we cannot include the language surrounding sex.
Understanding how smoking is part of the lives of young rural adults of all sexes and sexual orientations can help adapt more effective public health messages, said Antin. And it is a long -standing practice to include these demographic variables in research.
Antin has said that censorship threatens scientific integrity and, in this case, seems to violate the policy of the United States Ministry of Health and Social Services, which indicates that scientific conclusions should not be unduly abolished, delayed or modified for political purposes.
HHS spokesperson Andrew Nixon said the agency restores science to its gold standard to protect the integrity of science. All manuscripts published in public health reports must comply with President Trumps.
The Department of Health and Sciences of the Associated Press receives the support of the Howard Hughes Medical Institutes Science and Educational Media and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The AP is solely responsible for all content.
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