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British ministers have begun investigating Blaze blocking Hydro

British ministers have begun investigating Blaze blocking Hydro



The British ministers began to investigate the fire at the electric substation so that the hydro airport was closed, warning the additional confusion of passengers even if passengers started flying again.

Ed Milli Band Energy, Ed Miliband, told the National Energy System Operator, a public institution in charge of electrical grids, urgently to investigate how a single fire caused such a big confusion.

He also said he would like to understand a wider lesson of energy elasticity for important national infrastructure.

Heathrow Chairman Paul Deighton said that the airport would begin an internal investigation by Ruth Kelly, a non -executive board member and former British minister.

Hippo closed the door early Friday after a fire broke out in an electric substation in London, London.

He completely opened the door on Saturday morning and said Heatrows, chief executive of Heatrows, said he defended the airport accident plan and was proud of his response to electric power outages.

However, the airline has canceled about 100 flights by late afternoon, facing the logistics problem scattered around the world and facing the logistics problem scattered around the world.

Some airline executives were still frustrated in the message completely recovered from the airport message, given that they are still canceling the flight and dealing with the stranded passengers.

British Airways, the largest airline operator in Heathrow, expects to cancel about 15 %of the Heatrow on Saturday, which will be about 90 flights.

The National Grid, which owns and operates the West London substation in which the fire occurred, said Getty images are taking measures to improve the elasticity in the network AFP.

The airport and the national grid faces the investigation of a method that can lead to the closure of one substation for almost 24 hours.

The airport said that it attracted power at three local substations, but it was forced to reset the electricity supply and computer system due to one of them.

Akshay Kaul of the Infrasture OFGEM of the energy regulatory agency said that households and companies should be able to be confident in the elasticity of important national infrastructure.

Heathrow and the government were warned in an external report that the main weakness of the airport utility infrastructure 10 years ago was the connection of the airport's main transmission line.

According to a 2014 report by Jacobs, which was prepared as part of the previous expansion, even a simple interruption on electricity supply could have a long -lasting impact.

However, Heathrow is equipped with on -site households and appears to have a flexible electrical supplier that comply with regulations and standards.

Willie Walsh, a former boss of BA and a long -standing critic of Heathrow, said there was a clear planning failure by the airport.

Woldbye said that the backup power supply of the airport started a backup power supply for important functions, including runway lighting and control tower, but was not designed to supply power to the entire airport.

We need a power plant separated from this site … I don't know the airport. He told the BBC.

We will, of course, we can look at this and learn from this. Do you need a different level of elasticity if you can't believe that the grid around us is working in a necessary way?

On Saturday, the National Grid said it is taking measures to improve elasticity in the network.

The FTSE 100 Company owns and operates North Hyde substations in Hayes, London, London, who caused a fire late on Thursday night.

The cause of the fire is still investigated, but the National Grid said that all customers have recovered.

We say that we are implementing measures that will help to further improve the elasticity of the network.

On Saturdays, passengers showed minimal confusion.

Dana Pane, a passenger flying home to Bologna, arrived at the airport six hours earlier when he interrupted, but he didn't see anything.

Headher Moore, who landed in Vietnam shortly after 7 am, was afraid of seeing the news on Friday and seeing the flight can be canceled.

[But] She eventually said everything was okay.

Airlines face the problem of restarting the schedule when many flights, pilots and room crews are in the wrong place.

About 1,300 flights were canceled on Friday, and the flights were already returned to the airport in the air or to other hubs across Europe.

As a result, airlines faced a big challenge when they started their schedule. Many airplanes, pilots, and room crews are in the wrong place, and many employees cannot work due to strict rules for breaking flights.

This long -distance aircraft ends in an airport, especially at the end of the BAS. John Strickland, an airline consultant, said that if the airline does not have a crew to move as usual, the airline will struggle to move the aircraft again.

Each day, additional cancellation occurs for the next few days. Domino effect.

The London Metropolitan City Policy counter -terrorism command continued to investigate the fire in the substation, but said MET did not deal with the case on Friday evening.




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