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Trump Targets Biden, Harris in the American security authorization purge | New policies

Trump Targets Biden, Harris in the American security authorization purge | New policies



The decree also targets Hillary Clinton and Antony Blinken, former secretaries of state and certain Republicans.

President Donald Trump revoked the security authorization of his predecessor, Joe Biden, in a radical decision which also targeted former vice-president Kamala Harris and several former senior managers of the White House and National Security.

I direct by this all the executive departments and agency chiefs to revoke the active safety clearances held by the above -mentioned individuals, Trump said in his memorandum on Friday.

Trumps The last executive action is considered to be part of a model of reprisals that he carried out by targeting political opponents, in particular Biden and other former senior managers of the White House, who traditionally retain their security authorization as a courtesy.

In addition to Biden and Harris, the list of stripped names of their authorization to see state secrets included members of the Bidens family as well as former Secretary of State Antony Blinken and national security advisor Jake Sullivan.

Hillary Clinton, former secretary of state and presidential candidate, was also on the list.

In the memorandum sent to agency chiefs and distributed by the White House communications office, Trump said that appointed officials should no longer be allowed to access classified documents.

I also direct all the heads of department and agency chiefs to revoke without escorts to secure American government facilities of these people.

Trump-Biden quarrel

Trump, who continues to wrongly claim that Biden designed to steal the 2020 elections, which he lost, remained furious with his predecessor and is ranging frequently.

In 2021, Biden had revoked Trump's security authorization, who was then a former president.

Trump himself was the subject of an investigation for breaking the safety rules during the period between his first and second term, by storing classified documents in the White House in his seaside resort of Mar-A-Lago.

The investigation was completed after Trump came into office.

Many individuals on the list of trumps were high -level political names of his Democratic predecessor, but the former republican legislator and vocal critic of Trump Liz Cheney is also appointed.

Fiona Hill, an intelligence analyst of British origin who served under democratic and republican administrations, especially as advisor to Trumps, the White House, was also targeted.

She is joined by former colleague Alexander Vindman, an officer superior to kyiv's original retirement in the US military who fell against Trump after having expressed his concerns about the white house contacts with Russia.

Mark Zaid, a national security lawyer in Washington who represents the reporters, and Adam Kinzinger, a former republican legislator who is a Trump critic, was also included in the list.




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