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Ukraine-Latest Russian War: Three-year-old Putin Smos started a drone attack on Zaporizhzhia

Ukraine-Latest Russian War: Three-year-old Putin Smos started a drone attack on Zaporizhzhia



City Hall: Sam Kiley visits Kherson, which is aimed at by Ukrainian civilians in Russian drones almost every day.

Andy Gregory22 March 23:00 March 2025

The Moldova issue wanted a notification of the missing Russian politicians.

The Moldova authorities have announced an international notice of an international resentment of the pro -Russian members of the parliament that disappeared on the day of being sentenced to 12 years in prison for corruption.

The second pro -Russian lawmaker, who will be sentenced next week, has also lost, officials said.

Both of them are colleagues of Illan Shor, a big business company, and played his role in the mass fraud system, which is currently leading the party in the exile in Moscow. Moldo Bathpro-European government accused him of unstable.

Politician Alexandr Nesterovschi's warrant was issued late Friday, and Daniela Misail-Nichitin Minister of Interior said he failed to find him. Neighbor Ukraine and Romanian authorities did not find traces for him. Misail-Nichitin said the police found that Nesterovschi, who was granted Russian citizenship when his sentence was announced, was hidden in the Russian Embassy, ​​but it was not true.

Nesterovschi was accused of receiving money from a criminal organization to raise funds to SHORS Victory Bloc's activities. Irina Lozovan, a politician waiting for a similar charges, has also disappeared.

Show was sentenced to 15 years of imprisonment two years ago in 2014-15 a $ 1 billion disappearance in the banking system in Moldo Bath. He first fled to Israel, fled to Moscow, now has Russian citizenship and avoided all attempts to lead him.

The Moldovan Court banned a party related to Show, which organized a noisy anti -government protest in the capital.

Andy Gregory22 March 22:01, March 2025

Mapping: Ukrainian nuclear power plant Trump is looking for control.

Recalling that Donald Trump controls the Ukrainian nuclear power plant, my colleague, TOM WATLING, has a report on the location and details of the US president's facilities.

Andy Gregory22 March 21, 2025

More than 70 conflicts along the front line on Saturday, Ukrainian military report

The Ukrainian army had 70 battle collisions along the front line by Saturday at 4 o'clock local time.

The heaviest fight was once again reported in the direction of Pokrovsk, the main Donetsk poet, the main center of Vladimir Putin.

In a Saturday afternoon update on Saturday afternoon, the Russian army also said that the Russian army started artillery attacks in SUMY, Chernihiv and KarkHiv, which is underway in the latter area near VOVCHANSK's settlement.

Andy Gregory22 March 2025 March 20:04

Surrey Police says there is no suspicion of death of KGB Spy who helped avoid the nuclear crisis in the Cold War.

The police said they did not deal with the death of OLEG GordIevsky, an 86 -year -old Soviet KGB officer.

Historians think GordIvsky is one of the most important spies. In the 1980s, his information helped avoid the dangerous expansion of nuclear tension between the Soviet Union and the West.

Born in Moscow in 1938, GordIvsky joined the KGB in the early 1960s and served in Moscow, Copenhagen and London to become a KGB station. He was one of the Soviet agents who had been displaced by the Soviet Union in 1968 after the Moscow Tank broke down the Prague Spring Free Movement, and was recruited by the British MI6 in the early 1970s. He lived in England after the defect in 1985.

Surry police said on Saturday that police officers were called as the address of Godalming on March 4 and were found dead in the 86 -year -old man. Anti -terrorism executives are leading this investigation, but death is not currently suspicious and there is no risk to the public.

After receiving the companion of St. Michael and Saint George from Queen, Buckingham Palace's Olleg Gorpski (Fiona Hanson/Pa)

Andy Gregory22 March 19:08

Analysis | The wicked genius details dealing with Putin Trump reveals Russia's true plans.

In the case of Donald Trump, the conversation with Kremlin is the way to end the Ukrainian conflict as soon as possible. And if he has a Nobel Peace Prize, it's all good and good. It would be better to secure a lot of deals with the United States. On the other hand, in the case of Vladimir Putin, the conversation is the way of victory and to Victor. To get there, KGB Veteran read Trump like a book.

Trump is the king of art of contract and obsessed with his image. President Putin is so happy to provide Trump with prospects for trading that can hand over the White House much more valuable. New impact on Ukraine, release of sanctions and the future of Russia again with great force.

Read the entire analysis of Owen Matthews below.

Andy Gregory22 March 18:11, 2025

As Russia restarts Koursk, the Ukrainians ask: Was it worth it?

As the Ukrainian army, who was defeated while the Ukrainian army was seized during the invasion of the Kurk region in Russia in August, retreated, the Reuters carrier talked with some Ukrainians who doubted the efficacy of the operation.

Mariia Pankova, who was missing for almost four months after his friend Pavlo Humenik was placed in Kursk, said, shed tears. We only need our territory. We do not need Russia.

Oleksii Deshevyi soldiers, a former 32 -year -old supermarket guard who lost their hands while fighting in Kurk in September, said they had not seen logic in the operation.

He should not start this operation at all, he spoke at KYIV's rehabilitation center and sent it to adjust his life after injury for the past six months.

However, despite the suspicion of operations in Kerrsk as Donald Trump negotiated with Vladimir Putin to end the Russian War, Pancova questioned the possibility of a peaceful agreement that prevented Russia from returning to occupy more Ukrainian lands and considering joining the Kibes army.

Every time someone sells a piece of Ukraine, she should not forget what we have already given. How much life did ours give it for it?

Andy Gregory22 March 16:21

PUPIN ALLY and Serbian Deputy Director Putin Ally discusses protests in Serbia.

Sergei Shoigu, a minister of influential security of Russia, met with the deputy prime minister of Alexandar Vulin in Moscow and discussed anti -government protests in his country.

Both mentioned that they had attempted a color revolution. The governments of Ukraine, Georgia and Kyrgyzstan have mentioned the terms used to describe familiar protests that have been destroyed in recent decades.

Western information services are behind Serbia's color revolution and want to exercise power to other governments in Serbia. We will not allow this, and the TASS News Agency quoted as Vulin claims without providing evidence.

The day before, Vulin said that Russias Spy Services helped the Belgrad to respond to protests in the movement that the Belgrad authorities revealed that the Serbias government had depended on Moscow.

Shoigu added that on Saturday, the two countries exchanged information, including maintaining regular conversations and responding to the color revolution. This helps to prevent the unstable of the Serbian brothers in a changing designated environmental environment.

Students supported by teachers, farmers, and workers have been protested every day since 16 people died of roof collapse at a train station in northern northern Novi Sad.

Earlier this week, the Serbian parliament officially approved the resignation of Prime Minister Milos Vucevic, who proposed to withdraw on January 28, and caused a 30 -day deadline with a new government formation or snap election.

Andy Gregory22 March 15:24, 2025

Earth: Russian drone pilot is a pilot who hunts Ukrainian civilians on the street

Ukraine, who lives in bombing, tells SAM KILEY, an independent world problem editor, aims at them when Russian drones live their daily lives and how they are forced to take care of their cruel injuries.

Tom Barnes22 March 1325 March 13:18




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