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The Houthis of Yemen, do you head to war? DW 03/21/2025

The Houthis of Yemen, do you head to war? DW 03/21/2025



The de facto government of Yemen, the militia of the terrorist Houthis designated by the United States, increased ballistic attacks against Israeli international airport and American ships in the Red Sea earlier this week after the United States targeted the Houthi bastions in Yemen.

The number of deaths of American attacks in the capital of Yemen, Sanaa, and the northwest city of Saada, have meanwhile reached more than 50, including civilians, according to Houthi sources.

“What we have seen in recent days is a much more sustained American campaign of air strikes that will cause more damage to the Houthis,” said Middle East analyst at the University of Ottawa in Canada.

“That said, the Houthis have clearly shown over the years that they are very effective in absorbing military strikes, first of Saudi Arabia [during Yemen’s civil war which started in 2014 and largely stopped with a fragile ceasefire in 2022 Editor’s note] And then in the last 14 months of the United States and the United Kingdom, “he said.

“In turn, we will need a little more time to be able to correctly assess the current impact,” added Juneau.

Shortly after the start of the war in Gaza, which started after the terrorist attacks led by Hamas in Israel on October 7, 2023, the Houthis began to dismiss missiles on Israel and international shipping routes in the Red Sea, in what they said, it was an offer to support Hamas and the Palestinians.

While the Houthis have gained a lot of appreciation and respect in Yemen and through the Arab world for their support for the Palestinians, an international coalition led by the United States and the United Kingdom began in January 2024 to attack the attacks of Houthis, which had essentially brought the sea trade on the key route of the Red Sea to the stand-light.

During the ceasefire between Israel and Hamas earlier this year, the Houthie militia supported by Iran took an attack break. But the resumption of Israeli strikes on Gaza earlier this week, followed by Houthi strikes on Israel and the American strikes on Yemen, seems to have pushed the situation at the square one.

Earlier this week, US President Donald Trump posted on his Truth social platform that “they [the Houthis] will be completely destroyed. “”

Do Houthi links with Iran become stronger?

“For the Trump administration, hitting the Houthis is an easy victory, a low fruit in terms of American military power, but if the air strikes will be enough to break the back of the Houthis is a different and more complicated question,” said Burcu Ozcelik, principal researcher at the Royal United Services based in London, in DW.

Meanwhile, Trump also warned Iran to no longer arm the Houthis, saying that he would keep Iran responsible for the attacks by the rebel group. Position on Truth Social Wednesday, he called Iran to “immediately stop sending these supplies”.

In response, Iran's supreme chief, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said on Friday in a statement that “Tehran had no proxies in the region and that the support groups act independently”.

Trump's orders strike Houthi rebels in Yemen

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“The Iranian regime sought to claim the distance from the Houthis,” said Ozcelik. “And although it is true that Iran does not call all the shots, or has a complete and unnecessary control over Houthi decision -makers, the group would not have accumulated its arsenal of weapons without Iranian patronage.”

Juneau accepted. “At this stage, Iran says that Houthis Act independently and to a large extent, I actually think it is true,” he said. “However, Iran and the Houthis share common interests, they work together, they share information, they coordinate their policies, but the Houthis do not take orders from Iran.”

A recent report by Ozcelik and his colleague Baraa Shiban for the political political site The foreign policy stressed that the role of the Houthis in the region is changing.

“The balance of powers along the Iranian axis has moved to the Houthis in Yemen, which became the armed group not well equipped and the most funded aligned with Iran in the new safety landscape after the decline in the defensive and offensive capacities of Hezbollah,” the authors wrote.

Chef Houthi Abdul-Malik al-Houthi has become popular in the Arab world for his support for Palestinians in Gazaimage: Salampix / Abaca / Imago already disastrous, the “humanitarian situation aggravates”

However, criticism of the domestic reign of Houthis is increasing in the light of their repression against dissent and the deterioration of the humanitarian situation.

“Most Yemenis are now clear that the Houthis have led to the country in endless conflicts,” said Muammar, a 30 -year -old father who asked DW not to publish his full name for fear of reprisals.

Maha, a mother of two children who live in the port city of Hodeida, told DW that “the situation in the country is deteriorating day by day. I hear many people wishing to return Houthis, even if it comes from the war”.

“Personally, I wish their withdrawal by all means except the war,” added the 40 -year -old, who also asked to use a pseudonym.

Amer, a former government employee, said that, above all, the “humanitarian situation aggravates”.

Human rights observers said the latest American strikes had higher tolerance for civil losses: Khaled Abdullah / Reuters

The last decade of war has returned Yemen to one of the worst humanitarian crises in the world, according to the United Nations.

Much of the international aid for civilians stopped earlier this year, after Trump restored the Houthis as a foreign terrorist organization for their attacks on the Red Sea navigation and Israel.

This label and the sanctions that have followed have already considerably limited humanitarian aid in the country.

Cups on the American foreign aid program, USAID, have still disrupted international aid in Yemen, as is the United Nations programs in February after the Houthis have removed several UN employees and other international organizations.

The Houthi rebels, on the other hand, have used food supplies that have been designated for the population.

On Thursday, the news agency led by the Houthi Saba reported that the rebels had withdrawn some 20% of the goods from a WORLD FOOD PRO program warehouse without authorization.

For the civilian population, this means even less food when they are preparing for more American strikes in the coming days.

“The United States strikes this time have clearly had a higher tolerance for civilian victims than in last year,” said Niku Jafarnia, a researcher at Yemen Rights Watch. “They hit residential areas at night while people are at home and, in at least one case, have killed a whole family of civilians.”

Published by: Martin Kuebler




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