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Heathrows SHUTDOWN supplies fuel to questions about UKS infrastructure elasticity.

Heathrows SHUTDOWN supplies fuel to questions about UKS infrastructure elasticity.



Firefighters in Hayes, west of London, were asked to investigate the acting in the North Hyde Power Substation area around 11:20 pm on Thursday, and ran to the site within two miles from the Hydro Airport.

In a few hours, one of the busiest airports in the world was closed with all air traffic, and as long as New Delhi and Los Angeles returned.

Willie Walsh, who has long criticized the airport by the Secretary -General of the International Air Transport Association, AIRLINE LOBBY, and British Airlines, Willie Walsh for a long time. WALSH) How does the important infrastructure of the country and global importance depend on a single power without alternatives? If so, a clear plan for the airport occurs.

The question of how a fire in a single substation can bring one of the largest airports in the world to stop around the white hole.

Fireworks supplied with 25,000 liters of cooling oil inside the transformer appear to be sufficient to damage the backup transformer.

The cause of the ignition is unknown, but the fierce flame that has been fueled with 25,000 liters of cooling oil inside the transformer seems to be enough to damage the backup transformer in the field.

It decided to melt the entire substation that supplies electricity to Heathrow's Terminal 2 and 4, causing such confusion at the airport through the lighting of the runway and closing it completely.

Heathrows Diesel-FireD Backup Generators worked as planned. However, they are in place to perform basics such as landing plane and evacuation passengers without performing the entire work.

Heathrow said that we can't back up all the energy we need to operate safely.

Just before 2 pm, engineers from the National Grid, Scottish, and Southern Electricity Networks said they can rebuild the substations and power them back to Hydro.

However, it took several hours to satisfy that the airport could be trusted and that the electronics were safely returned online. Immediately after 4 pm, the airport announced plans to resume, and the first flight was scheduled to take over until 7 pm.

It explains why the pressure grows in hydro and can be exposed to a single failure point.

Dieter Helm, an infrastructure expert at the University of Oxford University, said that in all important infrastructure, it is a big morning call for lack of elasticity and interdependence.

Just as the UK and Europe have made a massive morning call for defense, it is blindly clear that the energy infrastructure is the target of the goal. In the face of serious security threats, more elasticity is required in the energy system.

Thomas Woldbye, CEO of Heathrows, claimed that the airport emergency plan was effective.

He said that the airport can supply power from the other two to all of the three substations that occupy the power, but it takes time to migrate the electronic system to a reconstructed power supply.

Woldbye said: we lost the main part of the power supply. This was a great event. We have lost equal power as a medium -sized city, and the backup system is working as necessary, but there is no size that operates the entire airport.

The incoming plane from New Delhi and Los Angeles had to return Chris J. Ratcliffe/Bloomberg.

Heatrow Airport, owned by the investor consortium, is saddened with more than 19 billion debt, and has long faced questions about whether or not to invest in the infrastructure of the financial airline and infrastructure.

Experts emphasized the need for the government to supervise the UK's important infrastructure, and more people are more personal than other countries around the world. In addition to port and airports, UKS Electric, Gas, Communication and Water Network are all in the personal hands.

Noble Francis, the economic director of the Construction Products Association, said:

This incident occurs when the UK depends more on the electric network as the UK attempts to move to an electric vehicle and a hit pump driven by renewable energy as part of the movement with fossil fuels. To connect a new wind power complex with a solar farm to your home and business, you need a huge new capacity.

The electric network around Western London has been subject to intense investigation in recent years because capacity did not meet demand. The House Builder has been warned of a long delay on the project as the Power Hungarian data center is set up near the Fibre-Optic cable line.

Tony Travers, a professor of London Economic School, said that the case raises questions about whether there is another national infrastructure asset, which is vulnerable to a one -off accident, and whether the government is responsible for regulatory supervision, even if part of the government is individual.

Passengers around the world have more urgent questions. When will they go into the air? Sarah Jones, a retiree, said at the Sofitel Hotel near Heathrow, Sarah Jones, who is scheduled to fly to Singapore with her husband. The cost of breakfast is 66. As we say, prices are rising.

Heathrow's Akila Quinio additional report




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