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The drying march supplies fuel with numerous wildfires across the UK.

The drying march supplies fuel with numerous wildfires across the UK.



March was very dry in the 1991-2020 average rainfall in the month. Wales recorded 15%and 36%Scotland in the UK.

Starling Roost Weather Data

Until this month, dry and very sunny conditions have made a fire in Moore Land and meadows. Recently, fires are burning throughout Moors in Scotland, North Ireland, Wales and SW England. But a fire occurred elsewhere across the UK, and the grass and Hydland have a lot of dry plants and dead vegetation from winter.

Six fire trucks with six fire trucks with the B861 road between CUTHDUTHEL and Inverarnie were shipped. The road was closed as the firefighters continued to control the fire. This is followed by the Killpatrick Hills of West Dunbartonshire, overlooking Glasgow on Thursday. On Wednesday, the Lairg and Dornoch of the Northern Plateau had a 10 -acre flame, and fortunately the fire brigades caused fire before they had 'destructive' results.

Today, Friday, Scotland and the Central Highlands are at risk of extreme forest fires.

Meanwhile, firefighters across the Wales deal with numerous forest fires. The crew was sent to a lawn near Merthyr Tydfil yesterday, which was about 4 to 5 km wide. At Wales' POWYS, the fire department responded to a large number of calls on the warmest day so far in connection with the grass fires across County yesterday. In the Llanwrthwwl area, about 50 hectares of bracken and trees burned, and a fire broke out between the County between Rhayader and Newbridge-on-WYE, and some of them burned overnight and were reconsidered today.

In North Wales, the crew solves three fires in Talysarn and Mynydd Landygai Bethesda near Carrog, Mynydd CilgWynn near CORWEN. More than 20 firefighters, including professional forest fires, also deal with big forest fires last night in Trefriw in Conwy County.

The amber forest fire warning for North Ireland was issued under dry and windy conditions, increasing the risk of flames. Appeals were made to use the potential risk of garbage, disposable BBQ and burn waste. Earlier this week, a goose fire broke out in MORNE MOUNTAINS, and the firefighter believed that the flame began deliberately. More than 60 firefighters and seven firefighters were deployed on Monday to solve the fire of Castlewellan.

Active fire throughout the UK (EFFIS data)

Only tobacco, unmanned BBQ and open fire or campfires are carelessly treated. The spark of an abandoned glass bottle or other glass, the spark of the vehicle or other machine does not cause a fire, no fire, or a fire to start a dry vegetation, starting such a fire. Some unfortunately began deliberately.

Between March and May, forest fires tend to be the most frequent in the meadows, which are in many parts of the north and west because they are dried in the countryside and rural human activities in the country after the Moore -Winter in many parts of Hydland, the north and west. At this time, in early spring, in early spring, in the early spring, for a long time, in the vast area of ​​the country before spring growth occurs, there is a dry vegetation in a large amount of dead bones after winter after winter. This dry vegetation can be fuel for all fires.

Fortunately, it appears to be anxious for the weekend, and the rainy sequence is likely to affect most of the region. In most cases, it is not a big amount, but it should weaken the land and vegetation to prevent the current fire and prevent new things.




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